Thursday, October 11, 2007

Blue Knights

Duration: 02:11 minutes
Upload Time: 06-02-19 11:02:18
User: wtubsmokin
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the tenor solo in the end's really good


bass30507 ::: Favorites
07-06-28 20:29:15
bladebiffer007 ::: Favorites
The tenor on the far left is now teaching, atPomona Highschool, for my drumline, he also plays with the colorado stampede
07-05-17 18:57:56
zbsnare ::: Favorites
Ridaunculous? What the fuck are you talking about? Are you dumb?
07-04-18 03:15:38
BKnights ::: Favorites
actually the tenor on the far left marched scv one year. the one in the middle marched pr. the one on the right bd. But they all got good at bk!
07-03-30 13:17:29
snarecaptain09 ::: Favorites
why are the blue knights so scummy lookin'? no offense they're a ridaunculous line
07-03-07 22:24:24
stimmydrums ::: Favorites
BAD ASS tenor section!!!
07-01-14 13:44:01
lucs918 ::: Favorites
yeah.. hella-nice
07-01-05 09:29:39
bladebiffer007 ::: Favorites
hey the tenor player with the fro is my drum teacher, Eric Ridenour, and the center snare is also a drum teacher, Alvin Ramos
07-01-04 02:31:26
uadrum823 ::: Favorites
i liked the check the wind visual in the tenor line.... but the one snares stick heights were WAY off....
06-11-15 17:14:23
bguertner ::: Favorites
awesome. bring back the dots!
06-08-17 18:51:27

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