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Duration: 598 seconds Upload Time: 07-08-06 08:58:32 User: kyvids :::: Favorites |
03/08/07 Bajar con http://keepvid.com/ Descárgate los vídeos ahora, no esperes a que desaparezcan Sean Penn tours Venezuela Rory Carroll Monday August 6, 2007 The Guardian Sean Penn had the Hollywood Oscar but Hugo Chávez had the greater star power when they teamed up for a roadshow through Venezuela. The actor and the president toured the border region with Colombia last Friday in a convoy of bodyguards, journalists and wellwishers who punctuated their stops with cheers. Mr Chávez, ebullient, cheerful and on occasion bursting into song, praised his American guest as "a man who is critical of his government and of imperialism" and included him among the left-wing foreigners who have supported his socialist revolution. In contrast Mr Penn appeared subdued, saying little beyond the fact he was visiting the South American country as a journalist for the Institute for War and Peace Reporting and that he would withhold his views for his article. The president reassured other members of the tour: "He's very quiet, but he has a fire burning inside." On the road with Sean Penn and Chavez 8/4/2007, 5:04 a.m. EDT By IAN JAMES The Associated Press LA GRITA, Venezuela (AP) — Aboard the presidential jet, a grinning Hugo Chavez put a hand on Sean Penn's shoulder, praised his acting and added: "And he's anti-Bush!" The Venezuelan president reveled in his role as host to the Hollywood star as they flew across the country Friday and traveled through the countryside in a military jeep with Chavez at the wheel, stopping to greet cheering supporters. The Oscar-winning actor has previously condemned the Iraq war and called for President Bush to be impeached, but he revealed little about his thoughts on Venezuela, saying he came as a freelance journalist after reporting stints in Iraq and Iran — and was saving his conclusions for print. "He's a courageous man," Chavez said as he introduced Penn to reporters and dignitaries during the flight from Caracas to western Venezuela. "He's very quiet, but he has a fire burning inside." Penn is the latest in a series of U.S. celebrities and public figures to visit Chavez, including actor Danny Glover, singer Harry Belafonte and Cindy Sheehan, who became a peace activist after her soldier son was killed in Iraq. Enlivened by his conversations with Penn, the socialist president lambasted the U.S. government for "destroying the world" with war and warned of brewing economic troubles, saying Washington should do much more for its own poor. "There could be a revolution there," Chavez said. "We'll help them. The United States must be helped because the United States is going to implode." Driving a Venezuelan-made Tiuna jeep through fields of potatoes, corn and lettuce, Chavez craned his head to chat with Penn, who rode in the rear seat wearing sunglasses and taking in the spectacle. Penn's star power was eclipsed by Chavez, who honked to flag-waving admirers along the road through a mountain valley and stopped to kiss children and clasp hands with screaming women. At the end of the trip, Chavez and Penn donned white lab coats and toured an agricultural research laboratory. Sean Penn, de gira por Venezuela con Chávez El actor se mantuvo apartado de la prensa, aparentemente ajeno a las expectativas generadas por su fama de estrella del cine EFE - Caracas - 04/08/2007 El actor estadounidense Sean Penn concluye hoy una estancia de seis días en Venezuela, país al que viajó "como periodista", según él mismo afirmó, con el fin de informarse sobre la situación y escribir al respecto. Sean Penn y Hugo Chávez en un 'Tiuna' El presidente venezolano condujo el todoterreno con el que el actor completó una de las etapas de su viaje- REUTERS La noticia en otros webs El ganador de un Oscar por 'Mystic River' (2003), que llegó el domingo pasado a Caracas, se ha negado a dar entrevistas durante su estancia y ha limitado sus declaraciones a unos breves comentarios en los que agradeció al pueblo venezolano y a su presidente, Hugo Chávez, la hospitalidad que le han brindado. Atento en todo momento a las solicitudes de quienes se le acercaban, el actor se prestó con amabilidad a dejarse fotografiar con decenas de ciudadanos que le pedían una imagen de recuerdo, pero se mantuvo apartado de la prensa, aparentemente ajeno a las expectativas generadas por su fama de estrella del cine. Sencillo en el trato y como disculpándose al eludir las declaraciones, Penn dedicó parte de su estancia en este país suramericano a visitar barrios pobres, algunas zonas agrícolas y conversar con diversos sectores sobre la situación social del país. El viernes, en un acto en el que Chávez inauguró un laboratorio de 'bioinsumos' para la salud agrícola integral, se le pudo ver tomando notas, alejado de las cámaras de televisión, y escuchando la traducción que le hacía Andrés Izarra, presidente de la cadena Telesur, que le acompañó en todo momento y le sirvió de intérprete. Con ellos estaba también el productor español José Ibáñez, que trabajó en la producción de 'Comandante' (2003), documental de Oliver Stone dedicado al presidente cubano, Fidel Castro. En la aldea de Pueblo Encima, en plena serranía andina, Sean Penn fue invitado de Chávez en uno de esos encuentros habituales del presidente venezolano con sus simpatizantes, al que también asistieron el presidente de la Asamblea Nacional cubana, Ricardo Alarcón, y personalidades que participaron en Caracas en la Cumbre Social para la Unión Latinoamericana y Caribeña. Para llegar hasta la aldea, situada a unos 2.500 metros de altitud, cerca de la frontera con Colombia, Chávez y Penn recorrieron en un 'Tiuna', todoterreno de fabricación nacional para uso militar, el trayecto desde el aeropuerto de La Fría, donde había aterrizado el avión presidencial procedente de Caracas. El paso de la comitiva, con Chávez al volante del vehículo descubierto en el que también viajaba el actor estadounidense, congregó a lo largo del camino a centenares de habitantes de esta zona andina, dedicada a cultivos de hortalizas y al ganado. Durante cuatro horas, el largo convoy presidencial viajó en medio de los impresionantes páramos de esta región fronteriza con Colombia considerada conflictiva por los problemas derivados de la violencia y el narcotráfico. Tras varias paradas en el camino para saludar a los lugareños que aplaudían y querían acercarse a Chávez y a su invitado, la comitiva llegó a Pueblo Encima, aldea adscrita a la pequeña ciudad de La Grita, de unos 50.000 habitantes. Durante la celebración del acto se escucharon las únicas declaraciones públicas de Sean Penn, quien respondió a una petición de Chávez de comentar su visita. "Esperaba encontrar una gran Venezuela y la he encontrado. También vine como periodista y estoy todavía digiriendo todas las cosas que he visto y aprendido en este viaje. Agradezco a todo el pueblo venezolano y en especial al presidente Chávez la hospitalidad que me han brindado", dijo el actor. Anteriormente, en el vuelo entre Caracas y el aeropuerto de La Fría, el presidente venezolano ya había bromeado respecto al silencio de Penn, de quien comentó que "es muy callado", aunque tiene "fuego por dentro". Chávez calificó, asimismo, a Sean Penn de "muy valiente" por sus posiciones, especialmente sus críticas a la intervención militar estadounidense en Irak. En otro acto el jueves, esta vez en Caracas, el presidente venezolano dijo que el actor es uno de los estadounidenses "en busca de la verdad", y señaló que viajó a Irak, Irán y ahora a Venezuela, "a ver la realidad con sus propios ojos, cansado de que le mientan". Durante su estancia en Venezuela, el intérprete de "All the King''s Men" (2006) visitó, asimismo, la Villa del Cine, la productora estatal que creó el Gobierno, y se mostró interesado, según fuentes venezolanas, por las posibilidades de coproducción. maria conchita alonso jdt orvex terroristas gusanos fusano terrorista terrorist imperio imperialista mario silva la hojilla free freedom of speech libertad de expresión RCTV golpista golpistas globovision golpevision golpe de estado blando suave estudiantes escuálidos escuálido radio aporrea aporrea luigino bracci |
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Hugo Chávez Sean Penn Venezuela 2007 (2/4)
Jay Fawcett on national security
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Duration: 101 seconds Upload Time: 06-10-06 21:00:08 User: Politicstv :::: Favorites |
From an August 2006 PoliticsTV interview. |
Comments | |
nickrct ::: Favorites He certainly knows his stuff. We need more knowledgeable guys like him in DC. 06-10-10 14:04:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
ronaldmac ::: Favorites Kinda looks like Nick Nolte. 06-10-11 02:21:19 _____________________________________________________ |
Muppets Tribute To Jim Henson (1/3)
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Duration: 427 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-07 03:57:43 User: HawkeyeJedi :::: Favorites |
This is part 1 of "The Muppets Celebrate Jim Henson". That was shown in 1990 after Jim Henson's death. Makes me cry everytime I see it... Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0DD43Pk7Rg |
Comments | |
booboo900 ::: Favorites LOL!!! i know, i know, but it's amazing that they are able to make this so amusing 07-06-26 22:17:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
booboo900 ::: Favorites by any chance was that voice the voice who did the intros for most of guy smiley's game shows on sesame street 07-06-26 22:31:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
booboo900 ::: Favorites "perhaps it is a tribute to my beloved first boomerang fish, Connie Sue!!!" 07-07-02 21:45:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
rockybalboa1653 ::: Favorites I love it when Ray Charles sings "It's not that easy being green." 07-07-03 02:04:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
Matandmatt ::: Favorites Wow...talk about sending shivers down a spine...this is so beautifull... 07-07-12 05:04:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
jake94 ::: Favorites Kinda hard to watch without getting teary-eyed, but still great. 07-07-14 14:29:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
StonedSour77 ::: Favorites I can't even watch this... it's all blurry... He died the day after my 13th birthday. Next to my grandfather dying, that was probably one of the saddest days of my life. 07-07-18 20:28:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
lilyx5 ::: Favorites I've been looking for this. thanks for uploading. 07-07-22 08:58:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
lardpork ::: Favorites how and why would you do something like that to undermine this touching tribute? 07-08-01 19:51:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
deerdresweetbroadsx ::: Favorites Find a fun fling today at DAYFLING dot COM 07-08-07 00:44:00 _____________________________________________________ |
Hannover 96 - Real Madrid 3-0 HIGHLIGHTS
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Duration: 271 seconds Upload Time: 07-08-01 07:40:04 User: hadrianos1990 :::: Favorites |
Real Madrid - Hannover 0-3 HIGHLIGHTS |
Comments | |
matraelcubo ::: Favorites diossss k weno es el madridddddddddddd 07-08-01 16:59:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
nisuputamadreloconoc ::: Favorites sobre todo cannavaro..peazo balon de oro.. dios mio! 07-08-02 03:24:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
NoahAnt ::: Favorites who is the black man and which club did he came from 07-08-02 12:31:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
kxxtm ::: Favorites i think is balboa and if it is him he's from de youth team.. he was loaned to racing last season 07-08-02 21:49:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
NoahAnt ::: Favorites thanks 07-08-02 22:22:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
meiyer03 ::: Favorites madrid este año va ser un equipo bastante malo 07-08-04 11:28:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
Lovro222 ::: Favorites it is balboa 100% 07-08-04 12:12:12 _____________________________________________________ |
PoliticsTV interview with DNC Chairman Howard Dean
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Duration: 118 seconds Upload Time: 06-10-06 14:43:22 User: Politicstv :::: Favorites |
Following his speech to the Yearly Kos, PoliticsTV had a few minutes with Gov. Howard Dean. Among other things, we asked Gov. Dean questions about the blogosphere's rise his campaign for President, to the campaign for DNC Chair to now with 2,000 people at the Yearly Kos. It's a short interview, so watch to see the Governor's thoughts on political movements and technology. |
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Duration: 172 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-22 08:58:25 User: pilicreateworld :::: Favorites |
霹靂創世錄: 98.to/pilicreateworld |
Comments | |
DIEGOHXH ::: Favorites WHATS THIS......?? 07-07-23 11:24:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
unbird20039 ::: Favorites GET MORE YOUTUBE VIEWS!!! GET ON THE YOUTUBE TRAIN AT viewtubetrain . net use me as the referrer! 07-07-23 17:02:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
knives01ng ::: Favorites wtf? 07-07-23 21:33:33 _____________________________________________________ |
Chocolate Jesus, KFed & Spears, And My Trip
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Duration: 329 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-30 19:29:24 User: boh3m3 :::: Favorites |
Choco Jesus Article: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/nation/4675458.html Spears Article: http://www.voanews.com/english/Entertainment/2007-03-30-voa49.cfm Watch Article: http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=cp_euh318am418&show_article=1&catnum=9 ... Link to Trip details: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&saddr=Huntsville+al&daddr=Torrance+CA&sll=34.74423,-86.553783&sspn=0.009962,0.030556&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=5&om=1 |
Comments | |
slayergurl ::: Favorites o0o yea and i forgot.............POOPIE! 07-06-20 11:13:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
neoshaolin1 ::: Favorites What's the song at the beginning? 07-06-22 10:19:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
limmnm ::: Favorites "nucking futs" ahha! 07-06-29 14:00:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
xqxballx69x ::: Favorites The poop thing was icky... and I like this video. 07-06-30 18:57:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
walkingcliche ::: Favorites lol, i like your shirt 07-07-02 13:17:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
OnionCat ::: Favorites Nice vid =] Nice tee shirt XD Hahaaa. I LOVE YOU BOH3M3!!! 07-07-18 04:50:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
juzandbut ::: Favorites nice. very nice. 07-07-20 16:17:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
katerinesweetcuteyao ::: Favorites Hot webcams with free preview at CAMAZONCAMS dot COM! 07-07-31 05:55:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
lcw882m528 ::: Favorites Awesome movie. Theres a lot of naked cam girls at <B> _CAMZHOME.COM_ </B> 07-08-02 18:41:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
thecr4zyguy ::: Favorites Austin TX is the place to go if you like live music, good BBQ and mexican food and outdoorsy shit. 07-08-02 21:39:37 _____________________________________________________ |
YouTube Debate: Health Care?
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Duration: 357 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-23 21:03:50 User: Politicstv :::: Favorites |
On July 23, 2007, CNN and YouTube partnered to sponsor the first Democratic primary debate of the 2008 election cycle. Questions were asked by citizens from around the country by uploading personal videos to the YouTube website. |
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SicLuceatLux2 ::: Favorites HILLARY / CHINESE CONNECTIONS Google: "THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY- how decades of clinton double-dealing compromised our national security" Google: "Downside Legacy at two degrees of Bill Clinton" ...click "High Treason" -click: "Time Lines" -then click: "People" - "Events" 07-08-01 21:34:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
Ann232323 ::: Favorites Could universal healthcare actually work? Which gov. state or federal will save Americans from huge monetary burdens due to illness and disease? There was a lot of "shoulds" here but they left out the inherent problems that can arise from trying to cover every soul. The article, Healthcare coverage for all: hits, misses and possible fixes, discusses the issue well. Find it at Knowledge@W. P. Carey. good site. 07-08-03 14:44:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
kromando33 ::: Favorites Well theres alot of fear surrounding this debate in the US, e.g 'Will Socialized Medicine Work', guess what peoples, I am Australian and yesterday I went to the doctors and guess what it cost me.... nothing. 07-08-04 10:58:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
teagreenelove ::: Favorites OMFGGG. theyre all talking about how horrible it is we dont have universal coverage, BUT NONE OF THEM SAYS WHAT THEYLL DO TO FIX THAT. barack's the only one who even gets CLOSE. the rest are like 'durrr i know someone who is dying of this and isnt it a pity our country is medical-coverage retarded and shouldnt somebody DO something' they dont even touch on the preventative measures like..supporting RESEARCH in these areas. stop simpliflying and degrading other peoples' dramas fuel for your ego 07-08-05 00:46:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
theonlycuregirl ::: Favorites I'm sorry, did I miss an answer? All I heard was backtalk and dodging. 07-08-05 10:11:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
maravich101 ::: Favorites Im not nearly as smart as a lot of people who are reading this, but what I think we should do is have a health care system, which is like our legal system. The government guarantees free public health care to those who need it or just want public healthcare, while the wealthy purchase private health care. I know there are some holes but what do people think. 07-08-05 21:17:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
janeansoccerbabefj ::: Favorites visit FLINGDATINGSITE . COM for hot women to date 07-08-06 00:17:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
Slaughterlouse ::: Favorites They do something like that in Ireland, and I've heard it works out very well for them. 07-08-06 20:35:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
mplewis1 ::: Favorites A universal health service? I don't see that happening, but a nationwide one is another matter. The UK has the National Health Service which is just that, free health care provided by the government. But, of course, every person in the UK pays taxes for this, so were the US to implement one, it would cost time and money, but would of course be beneficial in the long run. 07-08-06 20:45:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
krevno ::: Favorites Could an American help me with this question?.. In the US the executive is separate from the legislature isn't it? So why are presidential candidates campaigning about bills they want to pass? 07-08-07 00:27:03 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 357 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-20 12:23:47 User: valsartdiary :::: Favorites |
My sugar rush wore off and I'm feeling mellow today... The rules of my d'Art lottery: Every subscriber has a chance to win. I update my board with new subscribers every week. If the dart lands on your name you have to contact me by Wednesday to claim it. Use YouTube's messaging system so I know for sure it's really you :). Remember that I post videos every Sunday and You have untill that Wednesday to claim it. BUY THE PAINTING ON EBAY http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZvalsartdiaryQQhtZ-1 BUY THE PRINT AT DEVIANT ART http://valsartdiary.deviantart.com/store/ I'm trying to cut all sweets :( |
Comments | |
Toaana ::: Favorites I love your pics so much! 07-06-26 06:25:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
shalalaaaaa ::: Favorites why would you do that to agrainofsalt65??!! 07-06-26 12:37:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
shalalaaaaa ::: Favorites i mean i dont like that mask thing. but the painting of the house is cool 07-06-26 12:41:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
fromthetopofmyhead ::: Favorites Can't buy your stuff, but can give you feedback. It's really good. So are your videos. And I know what I am talking about because I am "myself" and I esteem my own opinion highly. Regard-os 07-07-16 09:02:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
Nauticalad ::: Favorites Lost Connections - This one is all mine. I am renovating the house and know of the perfct place to put it. I'll send you a photo once I have hung te painting. Thank you very much. Do you do commissioned work? if so - I have a special request. 07-07-22 18:29:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
y2jeo2006m240 ::: Favorites Great clip. There are a lot of beautiful camgirls at CAMZHOME DOT COM 07-07-23 02:05:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
abbyfromoz ::: Favorites Beautiful Val. I really love the way you think and interpret your paintings. Truelly inspirational. I can really relate to this painting as well. I have been away from my family for nearly 2 years and I don't think it will ever be the same if I go back...But I still feel a connection no matter how much I change. x 07-07-23 10:30:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
russianNoise ::: Favorites <b> World's largest sex and swinger personals with over 20,000,000 members looking to hook up with someone just like you! Enter [_SexDating4Free.com_] to Join for FREE </b> 07-07-30 17:41:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
LucidDreams420 ::: Favorites This painting really draws me into it. It's one of my favorites so far ^_^ 07-07-31 01:37:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
patsyhotmommawl ::: Favorites Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM 07-08-06 01:03:01 _____________________________________________________ |
换换爱-第九集 (1 of 9)
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Duration: 623 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-29 15:13:17 User: icefishyuna :::: Favorites |
换换爱-第九集 (1 of 9) |
Comments | |
jactweetybi ::: Favorites thanks a lot ^^ 07-07-29 16:08:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
I3pucca ::: Favorites thxx 1000000000000000000x times i've waiting this so long 07-07-29 16:16:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
smilezzx ::: Favorites whoa! you're so fast! thanks. :] 07-07-29 16:34:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
Tampines867A ::: Favorites What is Huo Da's title again?? Public Relations?? 07-07-30 00:30:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
scrumpilicious ::: Favorites he is the supervisor of that level (women's clothing department) ^_^ 07-08-02 13:27:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
loveshortpies ::: Favorites i think is supervisor cause he said something like luo guan bu ren yuan. someone who takes charge of the level 07-07-30 05:42:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
angelbwithu ::: Favorites really thx for uploading ep 9.Have been looking forward to it.haha.. 07-07-31 10:17:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
viiennxl0hhx ::: Favorites yanshu is ugly 07-08-02 05:14:04 _____________________________________________________ |
Paul Rieckhoff, IAVA
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Duration: 241 seconds Upload Time: 06-10-06 13:13:38 User: Politicstv :::: Favorites |
While at the Take Back America conference last week, I had the pleasure filming a panel with Paul Rieckhoff of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America [IAVA]. Paul founded the IAVA, a group dedicated to providing American troops proper equipment while in the theater of war and assisting them once they return to civilian life back in the United States. IAVA worked with Senator Dodd to make sure that if a U.S. soilder had to buy body armour because the military did not provide it, the soilder could be reimbursed for the purchase. The IAVA is also working to ensure that the estimated 1 in 4 soilders who return from combat suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [PTSD] receive the proper care they need to deal with the issues they face. I met up with Paul to discuss IAVA's mission, goals and politics. One of the interesting points that Paul made was that the veteran vote is up for grabs. They are looking to a candidate and a party with solutions, not rhetoric and political postering. That is one reason why there are at least six Iraq war vets around the country running for Congress this year. -- PoliticsTV, June 2006 |
Comments | |
BigDiplomacy ::: Favorites Get them bro! 07-04-20 01:49:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
prufrock6731 ::: Favorites thx Paul 07-07-08 15:27:42 _____________________________________________________ |
Ponte el cinturón Factor X 3ª Gala Silvia Padilla
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Duration: 225 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-12 15:26:22 User: kyvids :::: Favorites |
11/06/07 Bajar con http://vixy.net/ Descárgate los vídeos ahora, no esperes a que desaparezcan Factor X 3ª Gala Ponte el cinturón helicóptero Mariano Rajoy friki frikis manicomio noche hache DGT aznar vino sarkozy vodka G8 11/06/2007 El lapsus de Rajoy "ETA es una gran nación" ELPLURAL.COM "ETA es una gran nación, perdón, España es una gran nación". Este lapsus linguae de Mariano Rajoy durante la rueda de prensa posterior a su entrevista en La Moncloa con Rodríguez Zapatero fue la anécdota de la reunión. El lapus de Rajoy no es el único. Durante la última Conferencia de Presidentes, Zapatero se refirió por equivocación al atentado de Barajas como un trágico accidente. Aunque rectificó de inmediato, la anécdota despertó una auténtica campaña de acoso y derribo contra el presidente del Gobierno ante lo que consideraban una prueba incuestionable de que seguía negociando con ETA. En aquellas fechas se pudo oír a Esperanza Aguirre cuestionando que realmente fuera un lapsus presidencial: "Yo verdaderamente creo que es un lapsus, pero tener dos veces el mismo lapsus implica que alguna es la idea que se tiene en la cabeza", dijo. Endesa fuera de España La comprensiva Aguirre tampoco está exenta de estas traiciones verbales. En plena polémica por la OPA de Gas Natural sobre Endesa lamentó un prosible traslado de la eléctrica "fuera del territorio nacional" refiriéndose a Cataluña. http://www.elplural.com/politica/detail.php?id=12140 Lapsus linguae Tag: PP — Ignacio Escolar ETA es una gran nación... Perdón. España es una gran nación. Mariano Rajoy, líder del PP, a la salida de su reunión con el presidente del Gobierno en la Moncloa. Imaginaos qué dirían los de siempre si este error lo hubiese cometido Zapatero. http://www.escolar.net/?p=1818 11/06/2007 El lapsus de Rajoy "ETA es una gran nación" ELPLURAL.COM "ETA es una gran nación, perdón, España es una gran nación". Este lapsus linguae de Mariano Rajoy durante la rueda de prensa posterior a su entrevista en La Moncloa con Rodríguez Zapatero fue la anécdota de la reunión. El lapus de Rajoy no es el único. Durante la última Conferencia de Presidentes, Zapatero se refirió por equivocación al atentado de Barajas como un trágico accidente. Aunque rectificó de inmediato, la anécdota despertó una auténtica campaña de acoso y derribo contra el presidente del Gobierno ante lo que consideraban una prueba incuestionable de que seguía negociando con ETA. En aquellas fechas se pudo oír a Esperanza Aguirre cuestionando que realmente fuera un lapsus presidencial: "Yo verdaderamente creo que es un lapsus, pero tener dos veces el mismo lapsus implica que alguna es la idea que se tiene en la cabeza", dijo. Endesa fuera de España La comprensiva Aguirre tampoco está exenta de estas traiciones verbales. En plena polémica por la OPA de Gas Natural sobre Endesa lamentó un prosible traslado de la eléctrica "fuera del territorio nacional" refiriéndose a Cataluña. http://www.elplural.com/politica/deta... Lapsus linguae Tag: PP — Ignacio Escolar ETA es una gran nación... Perdón. España es una gran nación. Mariano Rajoy, líder del PP, a la salida de su reunión con el presidente del Gobierno en la Moncloa. Imaginaos qué dirían los de siempre si este error lo hubiese cometido Zapatero. http://www.escolar.net/?p=1818 |
Comments | |
aniska ::: Favorites jajajajajajaja 07-06-26 06:02:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
catalankrusty ::: Favorites quee booo!! jajajaajajaj xDDD es patetica aquesta tia.. es deu pensar que canta be i tot!! xDD em recorda als de amo a laura xD 07-06-29 10:32:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
cristinarafel ::: Favorites xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 07-07-03 04:47:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
j1o2r3d4i5 ::: Favorites pobrecilla....esa chica no esta be.... 07-07-05 05:16:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
jorgevr06 ::: Favorites PANDA DE MATAOS, esta chica es una autentica heroína y yo la apollo. Seguro que vosotros ahí arriba sois mucho mas patéticos. 07-07-08 02:41:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
kyvids ::: Favorites La duda es saber si es una actriz, si lo q hace es una pose o si realmente es así 07-07-08 02:48:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
ggoguis ::: Favorites eeeeeeeeeess la mejor esa cancion a parte de risa, me da nostalgia 07-07-10 17:24:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
MelySims ::: Favorites jajaj k kante la tia esa asi vale.. pero el publicoo k no se sabe la cancion e intenta cantarlaa y las viejas esas bailandooo jajaja esta tia es actriz?? 07-07-13 07:46:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
ToRRaS69 ::: Favorites ¿? 07-07-17 11:25:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
amateos1404 ::: Favorites Diosssssssssssss!!!!! Sacame los ojos y cortame las orejas ya!!!! Imagina que soy un caballo moribundo y rematame, por dios, que dolor!!!!!!!! 07-07-20 12:49:01 _____________________________________________________ |
Burhan Tanrıverdi Kavga (Çayyycıııı)
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Duration: 228 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-08 07:14:04 User: cankanft :::: Favorites |
Bi çay yapabiliyosun,bide derginin editörünü şeyiiidiyosun...:)))) |
Comments | |
djsefalet ::: Favorites senin ananın amını tüm kürtler siksin neden bizden gıcık alıon ananımı siktikkkk bacının amına ağaç dikerim gölgesinde bacını sikerim tüm kürtler ananın amına bozoka soksun bacın sikimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 07-07-17 09:04:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
255136729 ::: Favorites ne diyon la manyak!!! 07-07-20 04:51:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sehrazat21 ::: Favorites burhan abi sen dünyanin en komik adamisin gercekten helal olsun.... bu roll sana cok yakisiyor biz hepimiz güülmekten ölüyoruz.. umarim avrupa yakasi hic bitmes 07-07-20 11:21:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
ibrahimctkn ::: Favorites lan sefil seni sikerim kurtleri de ondan sonra 6 ay bos otobuste ayakta gidersin ibne ne durup dururken millete kufredion !! rocko fiskiran lezzetin tadina bakmayi cok istion sen heralade !! 07-07-29 20:28:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
DvdCholic ::: Favorites kürtlerden istiyorsunuz be.her kürdü terörist mi görüyorsunuz.kürdüz ama vatanımızı Türkiyemizi çok seviyoruz.Atatürkçüyüz 07-07-30 07:30:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sehrazat21 ::: Favorites kürtler hakinda birsey bilmiyorsaniz yorum vermeyin cünkü tek bir yorumla kendinizi resil edersiniz 07-07-31 09:56:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
00273 ::: Favorites kürtler şerefsizidr. mustafa sandal da kürttür 07-08-03 15:12:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
fbsnap ::: Favorites ya nie öle diyosunuz kürtlerde bizim kardeşimizdir Atatürk'e saygı duyana kapımız açıktır Pkk ya hiç kürt şehidimiz olmuyomu 07-08-03 19:36:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sano101 ::: Favorites ulan amina kodumun orospu cocugu durup dururken ne olur anani kurtler siksin filan amina koyarim senin göt. ne guzel sohbet ediyoruz neden kufur etmeye basladin gerrrrrry 07-08-04 06:02:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
eylem14 ::: Favorites aşığım sanaaaaaaaa burheeennnn 07-08-05 05:41:21 _____________________________________________________ |
Advice That MIGHT Not Ruin Your Life: Ep 6
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Duration: 554 seconds Upload Time: 06-12-01 08:03:26 User: visiblemode :::: Favorites |
Episode six of my awful "advice" show. Featured music: Larsin: http://www.myspace.com/larsin Anton Mink: http://www.myspace.com/antonmink |
Comments | |
CandyCane45 ::: Favorites LOL!!! 'This is how i roll, DEAL WITH IT' omg lol. 07-03-13 18:41:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
heelaguy ::: Favorites hi 07-03-16 23:07:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
SRAKA99 ::: Favorites woot lol get MARRIED ... ! 07-03-25 04:23:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
Foksz ::: Favorites Why did he get rid of attic rather than ghost that dumbass 07-04-01 21:10:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
MightyNeonFraa ::: Favorites That's the joke you idiot. 07-04-01 22:05:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
kuntliky ::: Favorites how can i be more like you 07-04-04 13:45:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
mysteryboy45 ::: Favorites Thank you for making such a wonderfull video... I pray down to you and bless you that you will make more videos or jeus crise will strike you with lighnting and you will burn in hell 07-04-05 23:03:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
cardice13 ::: Favorites you moron thats the joke.. 07-04-06 00:42:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
Halo2sam1 ::: Favorites thats the joke...u just dont get it 07-04-06 18:03:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
mysteryguy33 ::: Favorites my penis is really small. how do i make it bigger? 07-04-12 14:54:44 _____________________________________________________ |
Ajax Amsterdam Ultras
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Duration: 193 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-26 06:14:36 User: AjaxBulgaria1 :::: Favorites |
Ultra Fans |
Comments | |
Ajaxbg5 ::: Favorites ajax forever 07-06-26 17:51:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
AjaxPridePlayer ::: Favorites | A J A X A M S T E R D A M | 07-07-26 05:01:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
AjaxBulgaria1 ::: Favorites The greatest Club ! 07-07-26 05:04:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
AjaxPridePlayer ::: Favorites Yes :D 07-07-26 07:41:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
jasonajax ::: Favorites Ajax 4 Ever!! yeaa 07-08-02 10:04:45 _____________________________________________________ |
GONZALES HEARING: Sen. Sessions questions the AG
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Duration: 641 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-19 16:55:08 User: Politicstv :::: Favorites |
Hearing 4.19.07 |
Comments | |
sassygirl345 ::: Favorites Can you people see who is running this Country WTF 07-04-24 19:31:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
lps41 ::: Favorites Can you see who isn't running this country? Do something about it. Get involved. 07-05-30 16:42:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
lexydoodle ::: Favorites Just like Sutton - both from Texas - Bush Buddies - RESIGN!!!!!!! 07-07-27 01:59:23 _____________________________________________________ |