Monday, April 7, 2008

Elisa - Rainbow

Duration: 04:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-06 04:07:23


jamirotommy  2008-03-22 04:06:57

questa versione è bella, ma quella di "Then Comes The Sun" è forse + struggente e bella
leaagusia  2008-03-18 17:56:07

great song ;)
q8icarus  2008-03-17 19:53:20

q8icarus  2008-03-17 19:53:18

xXchipmunkyxX  2008-03-17 14:27:43

stupende Rainbow in questa versione!

الامير الراحل صباح السالم - انا وشعبي كلبونا جماعه

Duration: 03:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-11 08:38:05

هذا المقطع اهداء الي كل رواد هذه الصفحه البسيطه ... ولقائي معكم بعد شهر رمضان المبارك مع الالفيه الثانيه بإذن الله ... وكل عام وانتم بخير :)


saleh20080  2008-03-05 18:38:48

الله يرحمك ياشيخ صباح السالم كلامة حنون ومتواضع ومن القلب يطلع كلامه صج كنت صغير بس اتذكر كنا نغني طيار طارت بالسماء العالي فية صباح السالم الغالي بس ماكنت اتخيل انه فيه شيخ مثل الشيج جابر الله يرحمة بجاني الفيديو
sanbock  2008-01-09 03:20:35

الله يرحمك يارب
q8sound  2007-12-20 21:15:28

الله يرحمه
Q8TOWER  2007-10-17 13:02:29

ايه على وقت صباح السالم مايستظيج كويتي والحين يستمتعون بكسر الكويتين اعمار لبنان دعم فلسطين مساعدات الاردن ومصر وسوريا وداخل الكويت 1000 يوعان مقيوله رزق القطاوه على الخاملات
alnweer  2007-09-29 23:27:34

الله يرحمك يا شيخنا والله يرحم والدين من حط التسجيل وبيض الله وجهك

All Bout Me.!

Duration: 04:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-26 21:16:40

me me me && did ii mention more me.!


Intervista 2001 a Tomas Milian (Prima Parte)

Duration: 10:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-12 11:31:21 Recente e poco comune intervista a Tomas Milian con testimonianze di Damiano Damiani, Ferruccio Amendola, Olimpia di Nardo e tanti altri. Ho eliminato le scene dai film più famosi per motivi di durata.


depailler80  2008-03-27 15:51:15

a tomas milian piace donald fagen?
firpo81  2008-03-26 09:25:22

Sei un grande. Avevo quest'intervista, ma l'audio era bassissimo. Ho fatto un film (si chiama "Il morso della Piana") che riprende molto il cinema di genere italiano alla Tomas. E' diviso in 8 episodi e sta sul mio account. Vai prima su Sigla e poi su "Il morso della Piana: episodio 1", "Il morso della Piana: episodio 2" etc... C'ho messo dentro anche Terence Hill, Dario Argento e perfino Montalbano! Viva il cinema di genere, viva Tomas!!!
rocksporck  2008-03-23 16:47:14

Stavo per scrivere la stessa cosa.... poi ho visto il tuo messaggio, grande, condivido appieno!
alfagiuliati  2008-03-22 17:20:28

Questo messaggio e per TOMAS MILIAN. Torna in Italia, abbiamo bisogno ti de !!! SEI UN MITO. SEI GRANDE!!!
riko68  2008-03-22 10:00:54

Fà venire in mente un pò Terence Hill qui.

Schwarzwald 3

Duration: 02:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-24 17:53:22

Schwarzwald 3


Special Report! (Judge Joe Brown is NOT Pleased)

Duration: 02:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-01 19:27:41

Special Report! (Judge Joe Brown is NOT Pleased)


iiiijjjj  2008-03-08 23:11:50

winniethepooh654  2008-01-03 21:53:43

aaw judge joe brown is so cute! dont rag judge joe brown!
bigMikeRomero  2007-12-17 08:21:05

bookbinder123  2007-12-09 13:57:00

You proved your point. You suck and have no talent.
dallashardhittaz  2007-07-26 17:57:21

"These white folks must be tripping up in here to be in my courtroom.

Figure Skating Routine 4

Duration: 00:43 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-20 23:25:38



stephalicious16  2007-12-26 23:35:06

kelvin and dlyan sucked sooo bad
britneyfan567  2007-12-21 23:33:08

wow this is gayyyyyy

Jonas Brothers~ How far they came~

Duration: 06:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-26 20:19:55

Look how far they came they started with nicks solo carrer and then ended up signing all three boys and came out with Its About Time then they did some summer touring! then we all found out Nick had diabetes but with the support of family Nick, Joe and Kevin came out w/ there 2nd cd Jonas Brothers and then joined the unforgetable Best of Both Worlds Tour with Miley Cyrus after that they got there own tour WYLMITE Tour!!!! and now about to have Camp Rock, J.O.N.A.S and there 3rd cd come out!!! I'm so proud of all they've done!!!! *P.S during the video clip idk wat the laugh and random sounds our i swear its not me =]*


soccermusicfreak  2008-03-27 16:18:27

i love the pic at :46!
nicoleneff  2008-02-28 00:03:32

love this pics at 2:31 nick is soo hot and at 2:45 joe is soo hot!!
JB1441  2008-02-27 08:08:28

OMJ! love the video its going on my favorites! and 5 stars! GREAT JOB!!!
JBISMYLUV  2008-02-26 21:30:28

i got them from all over the place teenidol4you and photobucket mainly though
shortiegirl92  2008-02-26 21:25:31

love it 5 stars and faved it :)

El Beathbox francés"el pulpo" en España

Duration: 04:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-20 09:15:37

La caja de sonidos humana del Factor X francés,participa en el programa El Hormiguero


tajuba  2008-04-05 18:22:18

madremia por aqui comparan a pulpo con roberto dios mio si esque el pulpo es un maquinon
idafe20  2008-04-04 07:51:21

increible este tio muy pero k muy bueno
nxynumber1  2008-04-04 02:31:58

HABLAS TONTERIAS COMO VAN A COMPARAR A PULPO CON ROBERTO jajajaja... pulpo tine mas nivel y mejor difinicion ala hora de hacer beat box
jandhery  2008-03-30 04:59:05

Wow es increible la vdd :D
romarsocos  2008-03-29 16:08:50

yee...aunq creo que no se deberia utilizar el beatbox para q uno d un programa con una super musica creada con la boca, y el tio haga el payaso...con 2 muñecos detras..........

my new mask for halloween

Duration: 00:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-26 00:04:37

i just got it a put it together hope u like it please comment


saprious  2008-04-05 12:34:06

yes it is latex i got it at a halloween store
Moviefilms13  2008-04-05 12:13:04

is this latex and where did you buy it at?
saprious  2008-04-04 21:42:55

no i didnt make it i bought it i wish i made it i have mad a mask though
ShuguProductions  2008-04-04 18:18:59

Holy shit u made that? nice!
saprious  2008-04-03 22:28:42

thanks its pretty awsome huh