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Duration: 458 seconds Upload Time: 06-08-24 02:14:10 User: biostudentgirl :::: Favorites |
Peter didn't believe that I knew Efren Ramirez aka Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite - so I brought Peter to meet him. =) We met Efren and The Crank directors Mike Neveldine and Brian Taylor from the movie Crank (www.crankfilm.com) which opens in theatres September.01, 2006. They were really cool =) and peter is really funny, lol. He raps in this scene (just for fun; he's not serious) |
Comments | |
rallokkcaz ::: Favorites you are so fucking lucky.. you know everyone... !!! lucky 06-10-20 21:27:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
shadyayo12 ::: Favorites she is so hot 06-11-01 21:22:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
keep7up ::: Favorites Puffy Ami Yumi? 06-11-05 21:59:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
starlifter69 ::: Favorites biostudentgirl loves big clocks! lol 06-11-17 18:31:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
drgnballz ::: Favorites Oh shoot! =O Awesome!! 06-11-21 20:34:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
francisco1563 ::: Favorites i like it that cool, i saw that movie, terrific!! 06-11-22 11:06:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
mIKEY1123456 ::: Favorites yumi doesnt need proper lighting lik peter said cuzz SHES FUCKIN HOTT NO MATTER WHT 06-12-11 22:35:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
Comic2Relief ::: Favorites Omg! xD 07-03-03 01:43:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
liljaye ::: Favorites ooo tightt :o haha 07-05-31 06:12:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
korean4lyfe11 ::: Favorites OMG that guy was funny in eployee of the month 07-06-16 04:56:38 _____________________________________________________ |
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Efren aka Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite & Crank Crew
Scary Santa
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Duration: 17 seconds Upload Time: 06-01-15 15:44:28 User: nalts :::: Favorites |
Boy terrifies his brother |
Comments | |
Jessiebessie93 ::: Favorites Okay, This is for everyone who's saying "WOW this is you're first video?" It's Definatly not This is one of the OLDEST I've seen "Attack of the Killer Slinky" by Nalts he recorded it in 1985 07-06-02 21:38:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
billthemaxster ::: Favorites wow the first nalts video aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhow cool 07-06-10 12:01:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
crisy13crazy ::: Favorites nothin special.... 07-06-16 00:54:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
TNAproductions ::: Favorites Obsessed much? 07-06-16 21:46:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
bryarworship ::: Favorites That would make me scream, wommit, piss, and shi* at the same time and then I'd explode 07-06-21 16:31:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
lleky ::: Favorites bebes 07-06-23 15:50:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
Jessiebessie93 ::: Favorites no, i just came across that video accidently and thought i should say something about it. 07-06-28 15:22:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
stommy10 ::: Favorites He is on his 400th video and this is his first video~!~ 07-06-28 15:52:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
msashleychen ::: Favorites charlie looks so cute! wait. is that charlie? 07-07-06 14:18:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
Klopy1414 ::: Favorites SANTA's HEAD FELL OFF!!! GET THE GLUE!! 07-07-21 17:30:04 _____________________________________________________ |
Final Fantasy III Gameplay
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Duration: 224 seconds Upload Time: 06-07-13 02:09:28 User: reminder84 :::: Favorites |
New Final Fantasy III (DS) Gameplay Video. |
Comments | |
toby7ten ::: Favorites Awesome!! Man I'll be hitting up that sh1t hehe 06-07-13 17:56:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
NiGHTSintodreams ::: Favorites I cant wait! And Tales of the Tempest looks ace too. 06-08-12 08:35:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
dimsum411 ::: Favorites how waS this vid captured? or is it an official vid from squeenix? 06-10-08 18:52:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
GreenVI ::: Favorites WTF?! The battles are in 3D and the enemies don't have death animations?! Lame, lame, lame, lame, LAME!! 06-11-21 17:20:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
dnishimura ::: Favorites just like the original version =) 06-11-25 22:11:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
VoltzCartoons ::: Favorites I was just introduced to the Final Fantasy series and I am going to buy this game soon as my first Final Fatasy game, so I have a few questions: Is the character with white hair a boy or girl? Do you get to name your own character? Do they have real names? (like in some Zelda games, you are Link, but you name your own character), and if so, what are their names? Thank you 06-12-01 16:49:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
blitser ::: Favorites I know this reply is 8 months late, and you probably have the game by now..but just incase. 1. The main character is male. 2. You CAN name your own character, it is optional. 3. They do have real names. They are Luneth, Arc, Ingus, and Refia. Uncommon, though they are real names. 07-07-29 19:29:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
VoltzCartoons ::: Favorites yeah, i have the game already. 07-07-30 18:17:58 _____________________________________________________ |
Alle afleveringen Get Smarter in week nu online
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Duration: 1171 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-16 09:37:13 User: uitzendinggemist :::: Favorites |
Alle afleveringen staan nu online. Ga naar http://www.bnn.nl/page/getsmarterinaweek |
Comments | |
mdevree ::: Favorites was iets voor Bonnie St.Claire geweest 07-05-18 10:56:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
turtleboy84 ::: Favorites Ik drink niet en ik gebruik geen drugs. Mijn hersenen zijn nu zo ver dat ik kan voorspellen dat er hier een reactie op komt als: Je hebt dus geen leven =P 07-06-14 13:42:55 _____________________________________________________ |
FC Bayern vs Schalke 04 1 - 0 Ligapokal 2007 Part 2
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Duration: 488 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-28 16:11:19 User: BundesligaFanTV :::: Favorites |
FC Bayern München / Munich gewinnt gegen den FC Schalke 04 1 - 0 im Premiere Ligapokal Finale 2007. Torszenen und Interviews nach dem Spiel / Highlights and Interviews after the Match FC Bayern München FCB Munich Schalke 04 S04 1 - 0 Highlights Goals Goal Tore Tor Ligapokal Finale 2007 Interviews Final Fussball Football Spiel Match Premiere Klose Kahn |
Comments | |
kisieleniczanin ::: Favorites Bayern rzadzi.mam nadzieje ze z takim skladme wygraja PUEFA,lige i puchar niemiec,puchar ligi juz jest :) 07-07-29 08:30:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
nordkurve04 ::: Favorites schönes video wir haben fair verloren bayern war deutlich besser ganz klar 07-07-29 10:09:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
bever888 ::: Favorites watch?v=qiwMJgkeUUU please comment 07-07-30 14:48:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
babball ::: Favorites @nordkurve04 respekt mal ein beitrag mit anstand und hirn!!! 07-07-30 15:29:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
MelaniePodolski ::: Favorites zuuuuuuuu geil!!! scheeeeeeeeeeeiß schaaaaaaaaaaaaalke!!! 07-08-02 03:58:40 _____________________________________________________ |
我要变成硬柿子 Ep8 Part5
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Duration: 510 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-26 08:46:14 User: LuvLolliPoPBlackiE :::: Favorites |
我要变成硬柿子 |
Comments | |
yuanyi777 ::: Favorites haha, like that last part 07-07-26 15:05:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
tennisgal709 ::: Favorites ahh. blood 07-07-26 18:15:27 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 405 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-25 08:12:04 User: uitzendinggemist :::: Favorites |
Bekijk de hele uitzending: http://player.omroep.nl/?aflID=5125585 Frans Bromet onderzoekt in hoeverre eerwraak in Nederland speelt en hoe jongeren daarover denken. |
Comments | |
Darknen ::: Favorites Wat ik hier veel waarneem in de reacties is een vorm van wat heet Etnocenterisme, met andere woorden iemand vind zijn eigen cultuur goed, logisch en gerechtvaardig en andere culturen met de verschillen daarin slecht en dom. Ik zie hier weinig genuanceerde reacties en nauwelijks reacties die dieper gaan dan typische vooroordelen van beide kanten. 07-08-05 12:36:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
Darknen ::: Favorites Er zijn nou eenmaal verschillen dus ook op onderwerpen als "gerechtvaardigheid", hij vond het gerechtvaardigd om eerwraak te plegen en justitie vond het gerechtvaardigd om hem te vervolgen. 07-08-05 12:38:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxsil87xx ::: Favorites zijn vrouw had tog een relatie met hem? tog niet zijn vriend. duz dan is die vrouw toch verantwoordelijk voor haar daden?? Dit is egt bullshit, eerwraak bestaat niet, het is gewoon een stom woord omdat hij niet de verantwoordelijkheid voor zijn daden neemt... Dit gaat tog te ver zo????? 07-08-05 17:16:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
bionic2006 ::: Favorites Sil87, hoor je niet wat Ali.b Zegt? "denk dat als ik op die vroege ochtend niet was gearrestteerd dan,...." Net Andere Woorden anders kwam ie niet met 4 jaar vrij, En als Ali.B nou een Nederlander was geweest. zou Men het dan Ook "eerwraak" noemen ? Zou hij dan ook 4 jaar krijgen? op zo'n moment denk ik niet dat je aan de gevangenis of etc. gaat denken. 1 ding speelt in je hooft, Het "genaaid" zijn, door je "beste vriend en vrouw" Pff Eraan denken maakt me al gek, Sterkte Ali B. m.v.g 07-08-05 18:01:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
raizorbeard ::: Favorites Het is heel makkelijk. We zijn hier in Nederland, in Marokko is dit misschien normaal maar hier niet dus hier gedraag je je naar de regels van dit land, ik kan izjn boosheid wel begrijpen maar om iemand hier nu voor te vermoorden?!?! kom op nou zeg... ga dan maar terug ja... 07-08-05 18:50:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
MarkoNon ::: Favorites Beste GayaMusic, gefeliciteerd met je diploma wiskunde en rechten. Nu vraag ik mij af met welke opmerking jij in deze zojuist geschreven comment mij onderuit heb gehaald? Citeer dat mij alsjeblieft. En, ik ben niet boos en geloof me, als je dit al schelden noemt vind ik je lachwekkend... 07-08-06 18:22:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
MarkoNon ::: Favorites En iemand die boos is en begint de schelden hoeft per definitie geen ongelijk te hebben. Bovendien probeer ik geen gelijk te halen iets waar jij overduidelijk wel mee bezig bent! Sorry, ik hoef het niet eens te zijn met jou en jij ook niet met mij, dus wat zeur je? 07-08-06 18:32:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
koskesh112 ::: Favorites wat zit je mij te beledigen idioot? weetje wel waarvoor asielzoekers hier komen? 'goudzoekers' mijn reet. Ik ben nu financieel slechter af dan toen ik in me eigen land was. ga informatie halen voordat je je mond open doet hier. 07-08-06 19:53:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
koskesh112 ::: Favorites TimeKillerNL (1 week ago) Marked as spam Waardeloze Turk !! één oplossing terug naar land van herkomst ! Turkije dus !! ja, makkelijk he eerst uitschelden, daarna ticket erheen kopen en lekker zonnen... typisch kontenlikkers jullie. 07-08-06 19:55:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
Darknen ::: Favorites Volgens mij gaat het hier niet eens meer over eerwraak in de reacties die steeds worden gegeven. Het is eerder intollerantie en een denkbeeldig probleem. De Autochtone bevolking van nederland is ook in staat om iemand te vermoorden om wat voor rede dan ook maar omdat het nu ineens eerwraak heet en met de islamitische wereld in verband wordt gelegt is het ineens een raar fenomeen. 07-08-07 09:31:23 _____________________________________________________ |
Plain White T's (Tom Higgenson)
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Duration: 176 seconds Upload Time: 07-08-01 06:59:54 User: nalts :::: Favorites |
Brief departure from the "Subscriber Appreciation Week" (SAW). I spent all morning viewing other people's videos. So now I'm uploading some footage from the weekend -- when we caught the Plain White T's performing live at the Oxford Valley Mall in PA. NOTE: it was a free public concert that I videotaped and uploaded with permission from the publicist covering the event. |
Comments | |
angelboku1 ::: Favorites I've never heard of them, but thank you for sharing your concert experience!! =) 07-08-04 01:17:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
sarrycrey ::: Favorites Ohhhh what you do to meeeee :) 07-08-04 13:03:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
Focoist911 ::: Favorites Hitler agreed with Sigmund Freud(jewish) and convinced Germany that the masses cannot govern themselves Democratically because generally they are too stupid. Those who remain silent and deny 9/11 Truth Movement solidarity and action are simply proving Hitler was right. It is the death of Democracy where Youtubers rather indulge trivialities than recognise the imminent national security alert that is 9/11 Truth. 911T will enevitably become militant to forward 9/11 Justice. 07-08-04 14:20:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
JuliaOptimistic ::: Favorites omfg angelboku1 how can u not hear of PLAIN WHITE T'S Hey They Deliah Was ALWAYS ON THE RADIO i luv this band my fav song by them is OUR TIME NOW 07-08-04 16:55:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
TwoZigZags ::: Favorites Nalts! You live near me, I'm from Philly. I heard about that concert. Nice vid. 07-08-04 22:13:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
Jessebied ::: Favorites your wife is soo cool =P good job, Im done posting comments for now =P need to go to bed, But I will comment every video you have =) 07-08-05 00:46:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
bestofme07 ::: Favorites That shirt is hilarious. "Emo loser" :] 07-08-05 02:27:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
KathrinTW ::: Favorites Great Music! Good Work. 07-08-05 11:48:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
minsexycuteydz ::: Favorites check out CAMAZONDATING dot COM for hot adult dating webcams 07-08-06 03:01:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
mazingmikey ::: Favorites oh ya, i have never heard of them before, mabey because most of my friends listen to techno 07-08-07 00:32:44 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 14 seconds Upload Time: 07-02-17 20:28:53 User: nalts :::: Favorites |
The video you have requested is not available. If you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few years for the video to process. |
Comments | |
joenobody1877 ::: Favorites i found if you go in and Edit the video, like allow comments or change to approve video comments, the video will appear instantly. If you don't, then its hours and hours. 07-02-20 10:36:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
nxtoracle ::: Favorites Interesting...I'll try it out. 07-02-20 18:46:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
manateepunch ::: Favorites true, but the error will return... they STILL haven't fixed it. :( 07-02-20 21:43:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
xtragal3 ::: Favorites My newest Videos now work but i havent tried upload new videos so dont know if bug is there still. but now seem that video that was uploaded 2-3 days ago do work. 07-02-21 11:51:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
billthemaxster ::: Favorites very interesting i mean...the comment i have posted is unavablible 07-02-27 11:47:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
diablo7806 ::: Favorites The comment you have posted is not available. If you have recently posted to this video, you may need to wait a few years for the comment to be processed. 07-04-01 08:29:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
GraveyardTricks ::: Favorites "Video NOT added! You have reached 500 favorited videos, the maximum number permitted." What a bunch of lunatics, who would say something like that? 07-04-04 09:18:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
Breepop ::: Favorites I hate that message. 07-04-11 14:25:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
burgandyblood ::: Favorites You know too much information, so you may not post anymore comments. Thanks! 07-04-14 19:17:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
able1039 ::: Favorites I'm STILL waiting for this video to load. Anticipation is killing me. 07-04-18 16:37:44 _____________________________________________________ |
HappySlip on eBay
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Duration: 72 seconds Upload Time: 07-02-24 12:11:50 User: nalts :::: Favorites |
Bid on HappySlip's stapler and headshot on eBay. I swiped the stapler when I snuck into her apartment last month. Now it's being auctioned to benefit rescue animals. See CanineLifeline.org for more details... or view this: http://one.revver.com/watch/106853 |
Comments | |
Aeirrio81 ::: Favorites uhhh the kid prolly doesn't know what pussy is 07-07-23 23:22:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
Rushthatspeaks ::: Favorites Am I supposed to have any fucking idea at all who Happyslip is? I don't and I don't feel the least bit bad or left out for not knowing. 07-07-26 22:34:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
mjmbulldog ::: Favorites don't be an ass 07-07-28 02:45:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
joshntequila ::: Favorites Wow. Spell it right at least. "Filipino" 07-07-31 10:24:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
musicbeauty24 ::: Favorites yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, alright okay. 07-07-31 12:14:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
nomuken1 ::: Favorites Go! Go! Go! Sugoi~ Number #1 ! Ok! Super Great! 07-07-31 22:42:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
AnonymousUser05 ::: Favorites How much was th final bid? 07-08-04 02:32:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
kcc3000 ::: Favorites I feel sorry for those kids 07-08-06 02:38:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
rebmecedr ::: Favorites what a cute vid hehe! 07-08-06 06:38:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
fernandox827 ::: Favorites This site is pretty neat for pretty webcam girls - <B> _CAMZHOME.COM_ </B> 07-08-07 17:31:54 _____________________________________________________ |
Dinamo-17 Nentori (1986) :))
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Duration: 64 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-03 04:21:37 User: cristiotopeanu :::: Favorites |
Dinamo-17 Nentori (1986), by Cristi Otopeanu, www.stelisti.ro |
Comments | |
namkef ::: Favorites SUPERB! =)) 07-06-01 07:35:38 _____________________________________________________ |
Wagner Goal FC Bayern vs VFB Stuttgart 2 - 0 Ligapokal 2007
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Duration: 65 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-25 17:05:36 User: BundesligaFanTV :::: Favorites |
Sandro Wagner Goal Ligapokal 2007 FC Bayern München / Munich vs VFB Stuttgart Sandro Wagner Goal FC Bayern München FCB Munich VFB Stuttgart 2 - 0 Highlights Goals Tore Tor Ligapokal Halbfinale 2007 Fussball Spiel Match Premiere |
Comments | |
riberyseven ::: Favorites Der Sandro Wagner macht sich echt gut! Schaun mer mal! 07-07-26 10:00:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
PsYcHoWmIeZe ::: Favorites Sandrrrooo wangnneeerr..*drool* 07-07-31 11:46:57 _____________________________________________________ |
Onboard a Zero G flight
Mr Pregnant "Knew New Knewe Knewww"
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Duration: 57 seconds Upload Time: 06-04-12 06:17:23 User: mrpregnant :::: Favorites |
This is a weird bizarre video i can hardly explain, the name of the video is called "Knew New Knewe Knewww" i think i'm medically ill and need help "lol" www.mrpregnant.com |
Comments | |
yoshero22 ::: Favorites Don't Do Crack Kids. 06-07-17 00:36:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
thecatswhiskers ::: Favorites love it! 06-08-03 19:35:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
Meze18 ::: Favorites lmfao 07-03-23 02:29:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
DrakeDog4 ::: Favorites LOL 07-04-28 15:22:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
rspker360 ::: Favorites lol 07-07-16 19:23:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
911Rip119 ::: Favorites LMFAO 07-07-21 06:10:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
大小愛吃 - 賀一航的夏日消暑料理 part3
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Duration: 501 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-20 03:01:41 User: hahahaheb :::: Favorites |
大小愛吃 - 20070719 來賓:賀一航 |
Comments | |
SnowxAngeI ::: Favorites thx for uploading XD 07-07-22 00:51:10 _____________________________________________________ |
RoboCup 2006
Anxious Skateboard Dad
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Duration: 86 seconds Upload Time: 06-10-15 18:54:49 User: nalts :::: Favorites |
Father gets ulcer watching his child on skateboard ramp |
Comments | |
sukatra ::: Favorites Yeah. The only way my kid will be doing that is if he's wrapped in pillows. 07-02-25 01:55:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
sk8t3rgi ::: Favorites that was hilarious 07-03-29 20:35:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
BPandTyler ::: Favorites (BP) we have thousands of skaters at our school, but have you ever noticed how they can never land a move? 07-04-18 15:46:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
ureko ::: Favorites i laughed so hard at the end i fell of my chair and hurt my ankle!! 07-04-22 20:16:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
angelicbabe26 ::: Favorites the end made me laugh so hard i cried...then i watched it again and hit my head. that was too funny 07-04-27 12:57:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
ParanoidGenius ::: Favorites He's pretty good! He can't be over 8, so he'll be real good by the end of it. 07-04-28 13:48:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
starmist1 ::: Favorites At least he knows when to bail out, it's safer then falling :) 07-04-28 17:29:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
DrumBum93 ::: Favorites hahahah 07-05-01 07:31:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
Lauracavers ::: Favorites PATCH!!!!! 07-05-03 17:09:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
fredpim11 ::: Favorites cool video no no no don't do like the guy in the blue jack!!! 07-05-21 05:45:29 _____________________________________________________ |
Imn "Trei Culori" pe "23 August", by Cristi Otopeanu
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Duration: 83 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-25 06:12:19 User: cristiotopeanu :::: Favorites |
Imn "Trei Culori" pe stadionul "23 August", in Romania-Anglia 2-1 (1980) by Cristi Otopeanu, www.stelisti.ro |
康熙來了 - 我不當驚世媳婦 part3
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Duration: 536 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-26 19:18:32 User: hahahaheb :::: Favorites |
康熙來了 - 20070726 來賓:王亭又、王靜瑩、Julie |
Comments | |
leeross123 ::: Favorites CHEFS......OF THE WORLD...! A group for all the funny, crazy, angry, self obsessed, CHEFS OF THE WORLD....etc etc join us, add a video....CHEF'S DO IT WITH SPICE..! 07-07-26 20:29:33 _____________________________________________________ |
Mr Pregnant "BUSS A FART"
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Duration: 42 seconds Upload Time: 06-04-12 04:18:43 User: mrpregnant :::: Favorites |
Mr Pregnant makes a stink fart and sits there and smell the beauitiful aroma of "fart-ness" lol what a sick man he is, want to see something more interesting??? check out www.mrpregnant.com |
Comments | |
EXsANDohsmygawdZ ::: Favorites OMG ROFLLLLL. [says to jade] OMG HE POOTED :] lmao. so sick. but sooooo funny. 07-05-04 22:40:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
xTearyEyedx ::: Favorites LSH! Your face expressions and the little sounds you make as you're in the process of letting loose of your farts are priceless. So funny! 07-05-13 22:48:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
fuccer55505 ::: Favorites I dont think that was real he probably used a sound bit from something else, but still funny! 07-05-24 16:06:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
skeleboy ::: Favorites No it wasn't real, yeah it was a sound bit that he problably got off Limewire or something 07-06-17 23:15:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
MynickSux ::: Favorites Loool 07-07-04 20:49:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
Chantelle564 ::: Favorites That's Ok Mr P..cleanse your colon! 07-07-07 09:26:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
xtinaonline ::: Favorites lmao that was some funny stuff 07-07-10 01:15:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
hotnony11 ::: Favorites imao 07-07-26 07:56:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
azngurlrox26 ::: Favorites funny n gross 07-08-01 15:02:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
lilsmokeycho ::: Favorites ROLZ!!!! 07-08-05 00:46:55 _____________________________________________________ |
Spencer vs. Heavy Box
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Duration: 66 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-28 17:56:00 User: nalts :::: Favorites |
Spencer tries to move heavy box upstairs by himself. No luck. Can Patrick? The Soundrone look-back specs make another cameo. |
Comments | |
u2chicky ::: Favorites I can't stop watching this video!! Spencer is the man :D 07-05-17 06:01:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
Epoch77 ::: Favorites Spencer's awesome. 07-05-19 01:13:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
AngelLulu15 ::: Favorites I wish Spencer was my friend! 07-05-22 12:20:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
gotmyvanzonbutthey ::: Favorites nephews friend bitchhh!~! 07-05-22 18:58:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
here2comment667 ::: Favorites lol i know now i sent a message to nalts and he told me 07-05-23 14:40:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
Ridian23072 ::: Favorites my name is spencer...=0...and he looked dumped last scene 07-06-03 21:07:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
cddweller ::: Favorites Haha, got stuck in the same situation myself, give the kid a few yards of rope and a blanket, he'll figure it out! :-) 07-06-06 16:07:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
BSravage ::: Favorites nalts = owns!!!!! 07-06-08 01:15:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
lolypoplover555 ::: Favorites lol, i love you guys 07-06-19 13:53:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
neagleone ::: Favorites lol i love spencer, also, if u r like me, try "Spencer steals fries" 07-07-08 17:21:59 _____________________________________________________ |