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Duration: 01:03 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-08 00:31:52 User: Naughtybro :::: Favorites |
Well this is my first animation sorta thing, well its not even animation. I just felt like making it |
Comments | |
Naughtybro ::: Favorites whats the full name of the program ill try and get it from my friend, and how do you use it? thanks 07-08-14 19:14:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
flickflame ::: Favorites you shuld really use flash for this type of thing 07-08-14 09:30:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
Naughtybro ::: Favorites cheers man, it was only made like as side job thing but the idea is funny but the movie is shit lol 07-08-14 01:31:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
flickflame ::: Favorites someone has sand in their vagina 07-08-13 08:37:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
flickflame ::: Favorites this is probably the best paint movie i've seen, which isn't saying much, but it was still pretty funny, nice work 07-08-13 08:35:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
vinciryan ::: Favorites WTF??? 07-07-02 15:53:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
Naughtybro ::: Favorites like you and the rest of your "videos" 07-06-22 20:04:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
saintg123456 ::: Favorites that was fucking gay 07-06-22 16:16:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
PhitBean ::: Favorites Sorry... Its shit love. 07-06-16 07:27:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
xNole ::: Favorites lmfao.. dork. 07-06-13 05:09:17 _____________________________________________________ |
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Volcano House
Vanessa-Mae plays Toccata & Fugue
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Duration: 04:21 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-31 15:43:45 User: benn93z28 :::: Favorites |
Vanessa-Mae plays a rare version of Toccata & Fugue with her acoustic violin, accompanied by the Bratislava Radio Symphony Orchestra. This was during her Classical tour in '96. |
Comments | |
SimpsonDs ::: Favorites Says the no talent asswipe troll, when you sell million of dvd like her, get your own concerts and play violin like her then maybe your opinion might count. This song is awesome and she did make it sound good. 07-06-12 22:33:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
Froggy711 ::: Favorites You actually managed to troll a music video for a classical song. Yay you! 07-06-11 18:04:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
mbuto74 ::: Favorites ma che é?povero bach si starà rivoltando nella tomba... 07-06-09 15:19:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
elchaufas ::: Favorites q hermoso espectaculo de musica clasica!!!me encantoo!!!!la sinfonica de mi colegio tbm interpreta esos temas!!!:D 07-06-09 13:53:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
nicoprevy ::: Favorites sei un merdone fallito 07-06-09 13:00:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
OrpheoCT ::: Favorites Estoy de acuerdo con puylu "se per te quella di vanessa è evoluzione non sai cosa vuol dire EVOLUZIONE" 07-06-08 18:28:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
interallianz ::: Favorites agrega una nueva dimensión entera al rollerball. 07-06-08 07:56:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
puylu ::: Favorites hey amico la musica si evolve nel tempo, è veramente da incapaci rovinare brani classici per fare successo.. se per te quella di vanessa è evoluzione non sai cosa vuol dire EVOLUZIONE 07-06-07 19:10:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
devileux ::: Favorites Hey amigo, La musica evoluciona con el tiempo, me parece muy bien que los artistas tengan iniciativa para modificar la musica clasica a su gusto 07-06-07 18:08:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
puylu ::: Favorites come ti permetti!io ho detto che schifo questa versione di bach. mica ho detto che tu non capisci niente.. ognuno ha i suoi gusti e per mw vanwssa fa solo cagate 07-06-07 10:27:01 _____________________________________________________ |
jesus adrian romero and lili goodman "ven te necesito"
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Duration: 08:32 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-30 13:38:45 User: ivany2001 :::: Favorites |
jesus adrian romero |
Comments | |
APARTAOS ::: Favorites Noticia Informativa: Las Iglesias Evangelicas de todo el Mundo, se han pronunciado y dicen: No al G12 de Cesar Castellanos, Not G12, Busquen en Google o en Yahoo, en español, busquen así: LOS PRONUNCIAMIENTOS DE TODAS LAS IGLESIAS EVANGELICAS 07-09-01 14:57:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
portoraeli ::: Favorites returning to the heart of worhip through song and dance. Folks, the world is bowing down to the Holy One and chains are being broken. We are living in the days of which Daniel spoke about, a revolution of the Holy Spirit. Derrama de tu Poder en mi. 07-08-28 09:16:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
noemisitha ::: Favorites esta bien bella esta cancion seee 07-08-26 21:05:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
exoticaplaya ::: Favorites Lily es preciosa tiene la gracia de Dios 07-08-16 18:13:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
ozzz555 ::: Favorites hola dios los bendiga soy daniel de venezuela quisiera darle gracias a dios por tener misericordia de nosotros y por crear seres tan maravillosos con lili y jesus andrian... dios nos ama!!!! 07-08-16 13:45:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
Lawapasecreta ::: Favorites linda cancion... y que hermosas voces 07-08-01 00:07:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
jhocky ::: Favorites gracias a dios x aver mandado al mundo a personas que cantan tan hermoso como ellos!!! 07-07-30 16:04:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
ega874 ::: Favorites demaciado buena es sumamente genial, de verdad nos guia a una de las realidades a las que nos enfrentamos 07-07-06 20:52:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
taty896 ::: Favorites bienn esta cancion es muy linda x q m la enseño un friend para cantarla en mys clases de canto yx q yo andava en un camino oscuro .... es bien... 07-06-21 15:35:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
decisionjesus ::: Favorites Precioso video. La letra está espectacular. 07-06-09 21:01:07 _____________________________________________________ |
LOTR Funny
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Duration: 01:25 minutes Upload Time: 06-05-15 22:12:08 User: niemasd :::: Favorites |
Lord of the Rings Funny |
Comments | |
TheGreatGonzalez ::: Favorites ROTFL!!! OMG!!! FUNNIEST SHIT EVER! This is soo retarded, it's amazing!! 07-08-30 00:26:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
ShadowLeggy ::: Favorites I cant watch that movie scene anymore without dying with laughter because of this. Aragorn: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah~~ 07-08-26 23:51:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
shadowism ::: Favorites Man this fails. 07-08-25 01:54:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
sierkkanis ::: Favorites lol 07-08-08 12:55:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
hrvejrum ::: Favorites hahaha dammm when orlando walked in i almost pissed my pants..he really sounds like a nasty redneck hobit fucker damm haha great shit!... orlando a real perv! :D 07-07-07 16:13:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
Th3DooM ::: Favorites MEGALOOOOOL xDDD 07-06-20 15:23:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
vikt0rz ::: Favorites COUSIN FVCKERS, lmfao 07-06-14 16:21:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
Nukemoose1 ::: Favorites lolz 07-06-09 15:52:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
WoahIsMe ::: Favorites Uh...glad to help! If you like retardism, you should watch my dubs ^_^ 07-05-23 03:54:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
oldtimesong ::: Favorites haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahhahaha, Oh my god, I'm carying! I just can't stop crying, my stomach hurts! hahahahahahahaha, that was awesome, man. Congratulations, that's one of the most hilarious things I have ever seen/heard. At first, I didn't laugh at all, but when I read WoahIsMe comment and I realized what I was watching, I started to die. Thanks for sharing, hahah. 07-05-21 18:40:34 _____________________________________________________ |
New Rules Bill Maher March 15th
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Duration: 06:11 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-17 00:30:13 User: rackjite1 :::: Favorites |
New Rules Bill Maher March 15th |
Comments | |
MooseOfReason ::: Favorites Star Jones had gravitas? She had GRAVITY! 07-09-01 23:26:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
DaveyH123 ::: Favorites lastly, there is god! the fact you beleive in things without evidence goes along way to explaining your abhorant beleif structure. haha, u pussy boy, running away so you dont have your world come crashing down around your red neck. hahaha you pathetic looser. i bet you dont even beleive in evolution. hahaha 07-08-28 18:26:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
DaveyH123 ::: Favorites Just stick to debating with your church group you moron. 07-08-28 18:24:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
DaveyH123 ::: Favorites hahaha, i see your true colours shining through, hahahaha, well done for highlighting your pathetic ability to even attempt a debate, hahaha, VICTORY IS MINE! 07-08-28 18:22:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
DesertDirtPig ::: Favorites hey, dickhed. yur werds mean nothing to me cuz librals like you are ignerent assholes, and i'm gonna make you my bitch cuz thats what you desurve, u fuking kweer homo jerk abortion luving, shit sucking I'll vote for Comrade Clinton moron. 07-08-28 18:18:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
DesertDirtPig ::: Favorites Why in the hell would I debate issues with a person who has shown in all his posts that he cannot discuss the subject in a mature manner? All you can do is sling vitriolic insults. This is getting boring, so let me finish with one more reply written in a manner perhaps you can understand.... 07-08-28 18:13:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
DaveyH123 ::: Favorites wow! unless u have forgotten, this is the internet, not an english exam. it just points out your levels of ability to justify any belEIf you hold. for the last time, do you care to bestow your 'righteous' beleifs upon us for critical examination. im assuming you wont as you'll be a pro-gun xenophobic homophobic red state bible spewing closet homosexual. those are true vulgarities. 07-08-28 17:31:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
DesertDirtPig ::: Favorites You make me laugh! I have no concept of the English language? Why don't you go back to basic English and learn how to spell (as you spelled them): biggoted, intolerent, ascertion, asuming, beleive. Crack open a dictionary some time, it helps. 07-08-28 16:51:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
DaveyH123 ::: Favorites lol, your both funny and stupid. if you beleive my previous retort to be a 'rant' you clearly have no conception of construction of the english language as no semi-literate person would associate my sentiments with ranting. yet again, any issue you wish to argue about i am fully willing and able to destroy you. 07-08-28 16:16:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
DesertDirtPig ::: Favorites And you're typical of a liberal, espousing debate and condemning visceral, personal attacks, while shutting out any opinion but your own and doing it with a string of personal insults, vulgarities, and put downs. If you could carry on a conversation like an adult I would debate you, but until then I'll just let you rant. 07-08-28 14:51:09 _____________________________________________________ |
college hot guy after a match
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Duration: 00:58 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-02 08:04:45 User: Jasperjock :::: Favorites |
College wrestler putting his nipple ring back in after a match |
Comments | |
ballboyn541 ::: Favorites Great post. There are a ton of amazing cam girls at SUNNYFIRE DOT NET -ballboyn541 07-09-02 00:51:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
brand1one ::: Favorites cute guy !! 07-09-01 23:25:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
biako06 ::: Favorites I honestly can't believe there are men who look this good in this world.... 07-08-30 20:17:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
grenouil1970 ::: Favorites Super ! Je voudrais voire aussi votre Pulsation Cardiaque OU votre Coeur qui bat sur votre cage thoracique, Please... Merci Beaucoup PS: To translate my text - Google translation 07-08-30 10:19:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
hht5jejese ::: Favorites hot guy.... but kind of creepy that someone taped it.... 07-08-29 09:36:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
papionu388 ::: Favorites This vid is hot but youtube will probably just delete it, girls are posting way better uncensored ones on <B> _CAMSJUNGLE.COM_ </B> -papionu388 07-08-29 02:43:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
niceboy25b796 ::: Favorites Cute video. There are a lot of pretty girls at <B> _SUNNYFIRE.NET_ </B> 07-08-22 06:06:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
princessyk ::: Favorites eah so what I'm dating a high schooler and I'm not in college I'm actually younger then my bf and i dated a college guy before so it doesn't really matter to me <3 07-08-17 15:05:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
khamlin ::: Favorites princessyk. . that guy was DEFINETELY still in High School when this video was taken. Check out his hoodie. Saline Wrestling, with a picture of a hornet. Google the Saline Hornets. South Eastern Michigan High School. 07-08-17 04:18:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
princessyk ::: Favorites thats hot <3 college guys are hawwt =] 07-08-10 16:55:35 _____________________________________________________ |
Black Flag 'TV Party'
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Duration: 04:51 minutes Upload Time: 06-07-08 19:38:29 User: seanfindley :::: Favorites |
Target video for Black Flag's TV PARTY |
Comments | |
tubbs58j445 ::: Favorites Not bad. Theres a lot of beautiful girls at <B> _CAMSJUNGLE.COM_ </B> 07-09-01 23:13:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
d0L0R951 ::: Favorites LOL I SAW THAT VIDEO 07-08-30 23:33:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
cathoioioi ::: Favorites tv is a shit** 07-08-26 15:20:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
rynocerous ::: Favorites Phil Aselmo would pwn them both. 07-08-21 14:53:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
mrovantes ::: Favorites aww man, this is kinda bonehead. "What's up Dickface?!" 07-08-19 22:37:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
Skeletor7491 ::: Favorites fuck you rollins would eat danzig alive pnw3d!!! 07-08-16 12:40:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
outlawwolf621 ::: Favorites I forgot how dumb "That's Incredible "was until I listened to the words. 07-08-15 11:04:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
secretsfullofsaucers ::: Favorites you're an idiot 07-08-15 08:56:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
badoocee ::: Favorites rollins is the fuckin best frontman 07-08-13 23:07:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
MetalKen ::: Favorites Danzig got knocked out in one punch from that dude from the Northside Kings. I saw a bunch of CDs from Northside Kings at a record store locally, and the store people put stickers on there that said "The band that knocked out Danzig!" 07-08-13 07:21:07 _____________________________________________________ |
Disney's Greatest Show Unearthed!
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Duration: 05:57 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-14 23:03:27 User: fingolfin897 :::: Favorites |
I've gone back to Villains!! haha Yea, I hadn't made a REAL villain tribute in a while, so here's this one with all kinds of (what I thought) were some of Disney's scarier moments. There were a LOT more scenes I wanted to put in, but no time!!! I know, it's sad. Ah well. But I did use every single Disney Movie I have!!! So if you ever wonder "why doesn't he use this movie??" it's b/c I havn't been able to find it!!! The Song is The Greatest Show Unearthed by Creature Feature. The Credits song is Buried Alive by Creature Feature. All clips belong to Disney. |
Comments | |
fingolfin897 ::: Favorites haha 07-08-30 02:36:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
Zuyuri ::: Favorites Thsi makes me think of "Cirque de Freak" for some reason 07-08-29 19:09:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxbathorygrlxx ::: Favorites i can show you how!!!! ill send you a message via youtube cuz you cant put url's in comments 07-08-28 20:12:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
fingolfin897 ::: Favorites I LOVE McLeach!! He was one of my favorite villains, but I can't find that movie to download anywhere!!! It did come out on DVD, though (i bought it, of course), but i don't know how to get it onto my computer. I'm not sure about the Great Mouse Detective, though-I never actually watched that....but i should! 07-08-28 16:19:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxbathorygrlxx ::: Favorites i was thinkin bout some of my fav villians and i remembered Professor Ratigan from The Great Mouse Detective and that poacher from The Rescuers Downunder. does anybody know if eigther of those came out on dvd? I wanna make a villian vid and it just wouldnt feel right if i had to make it without them lol 07-08-28 08:19:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
KitsuneNekoTigi ::: Favorites wow I looooooooooooooooove it 07-08-25 04:04:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
iancastle ::: Favorites That was cool! 07-08-22 11:37:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
Stalin123 ::: Favorites Fantastic! I love all your videos! 07-08-22 11:27:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
fingolfin897 ::: Favorites thanks : ) 07-08-21 03:39:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
theatregeekyay ::: Favorites Pretty damn good 07-08-20 22:29:07 _____________________________________________________ |
Enrique Iglesias - "Enamorado por primera vez"
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Duration: 04:24 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-24 06:45:44 User: ioio10 :::: Favorites |
Video of the song "Enamorado por primera vez" - "Vivir" 1998. Il video musicale di Enamorado por primera vez del grande Enrique! |
Comments | |
grupoplay ::: Favorites sono innamorata delle tua canzone pense non sentirla piu pero adesso que ce l internet me es posible tutto. 07-08-30 14:30:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
grupoplay ::: Favorites cuando estaba en peru escuchaba tus canciones y pense que no iba a escuchar tus canciones pero algunas veces lo pasan en la radio pero ahora escucho todas tus canciones por internet sigue asi imboca a lupo. 07-08-30 14:23:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
ladykathy7 ::: Favorites Realmente desidero vederlo ENRIQUE. Ho aggiunto un video di Enrique. :) Ciao 07-08-29 15:01:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
babi21234 ::: Favorites Enamorado por primera vez paraaaaaaaa te loolz muahhhhhhhhhh 07-08-28 18:11:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
ioio10 ::: Favorites MAGARIIIIIIIIII!!!!! Io ci sarò sicuro! eheh 07-08-28 07:24:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
ladykathy7 ::: Favorites In Italia canzone di Enrique sono molto popolare e ascoltate.Verrà in Italia fare un concerto.:)Ma QUANDO!!!!! 07-08-28 06:58:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
ariellehanglz ::: Favorites ex girlfriends on cam at CAMREVENGE dot COM its $2.95 to check it out.... 07-08-27 18:09:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
ioio10 ::: Favorites Tristissimo... non conosco assolutamente NESSUNO qui in Italia a cui piaccia Enrique..C'era un fanclub con la scarsità di 50 iscritti e ora è sparito anke quello... Mi sa che nn verrà mai qui a fare un concerto! :-( 07-08-26 05:33:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
ladykathy7 ::: Favorites Si.....Qui è un fan italiano di Enrique. Triste che nessuno ama in Italia Enrique?! 07-08-25 16:36:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
ioio10 ::: Favorites Meno male che finalmente c'è anche qualke fan italiano! Ci avevo perso la speranza.... :-) 07-08-25 04:49:24 _____________________________________________________ |
A Skeptic, Regarding the Bible
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Duration: 11:56 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-31 21:04:11 User: metaknight419 :::: Favorites |
I take a look at many verses of the bible which can be quite revealing of its true veracity. You might have to pause often, as space/time constraints have made it faster than I would have wished. But take note of these excerpts, as well as the fact that there is more where that came from inside the Skeptic's Annotated Bible at: http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/ |
Comments | |
memblor ::: Favorites Very nicely put together video. And who doesnt love power chords and epic rock melodies. 07-08-10 00:42:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
metaknight419 ::: Favorites Well, God is unchanging and perfect, so God should still have this in his "spirit" or whatnot. Also it shows how many of the people in the bible can be horrible role models. There are many travesties done in the name of God, and also human rights were very limited. Make known any other complaints. 07-07-07 18:04:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
brentisGodschild ::: Favorites to metaknight: riiiight.. Bush is doing his part well, yes? 07-07-07 03:45:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
brentisGodschild ::: Favorites most of these are done out of context... >< most of them are also refering to the angry Old Testament God. ^^ 07-07-07 03:44:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
metaknight419 ::: Favorites Yes, my points are still valid. Either way, we in the 21st century can do a far better job of morality, ethics, and bettering the human condition than anyone in the Bible ever could. It is outdated and unnecessary. Take care. 07-06-18 20:40:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
Zechnophobe ::: Favorites Well, what I mean is that we normally point out two things to true believers: 1) The bible had to have been written and re-written by humans, even if for no other reason than translation, and 2) That a lot of the statements made therein are tautologies or straight up inconsistent. Sadly, if we are correct on both points, it means they can hide their logic behind human weakness. "Well, in the real true book, so and so..." Course, it DOESn't leave an out for fundies, but what really does? 07-06-18 10:25:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
metaknight419 ::: Favorites I had simply gathered verses from the SAB, and made some sort of an order, according to the atrocities within. Space/time constraints made me have to do it fast. I apologize for that. What kind of religious context? If it is infallible, then these things happened, and sets a bad example for how God is, also this shows how a lot of the people in this book are bad role models. 07-06-15 21:29:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
Zechnophobe ::: Favorites Some of these are pretty weak, are you intending more research done on each quote, because by themselves some are pretty random. At least the music was good, but I had to keep pausing to read the text :(. The problem with arguing the bible, is that the same claim that says it is corrupt and written by humans, also makes the contradictories explainable within a religious context. 07-06-15 19:32:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
Serpentesius ::: Favorites this video is gr8 07-05-20 13:26:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
BeatBuddy ::: Favorites It's tedious reading. A read the Qur'an too and have to hand it some credit. It cured my insomnia. According to a Gallup Poll held in the mid-90s, 65% of those who identified themselves as Christians couldn't name who gave the Sermon on the Mount. 07-04-15 09:31:57 _____________________________________________________ |
Static-X - The Enemy
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Duration: 02:28 minutes Upload Time: 06-11-12 09:57:47 User: DBZFREEEAK123 :::: Favorites |
Saskue Uchiha VS Super Kyuubi Naruto Uzumaki |
Comments | |
paparoach99 ::: Favorites The song alone deserves 5 stars 07-08-28 10:57:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
amberloves10201993 ::: Favorites Awesome vid!!!! 07-08-26 20:03:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
DBZFREEEAK123 ::: Favorites yeah ones same song w/ piccolo ill try to make more i did have about 200 i created but they got deleted 07-08-23 21:17:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
ZEROVSFLIP2 ::: Favorites kool nine tail fox naruto, mix it with static x and you got kool. Got any dbz vids? 07-08-23 20:46:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
sizeablealarm ::: Favorites whats wrong with Naruto 07-08-19 23:57:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
ZamoroakStr ::: Favorites Wow yet ANOTHER Naruto video. This has got to stop! 07-08-19 21:31:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
RokiTheVampireKing ::: Favorites its bad ass!!! though i think there should of been some of sasuke fighting back. 07-08-18 07:30:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
staticxisnumba1 ::: Favorites its fucking awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!! gets me energized woo hooo!! 07-08-17 13:53:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
icu98 ::: Favorites its a good song, makes me wanna play cs, l8er retards who dont like this vid and song 07-08-15 12:36:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
aquaftw ::: Favorites ur just mad cause your a fucking lil bitch if u dont like anime u can just fuck off 07-08-11 12:40:42 _____________________________________________________ |
终极一班 ep16
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Duration: 65:38 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-06 19:11:12 User: kellychen183 :::: Favorites |
终极一班 ep16 |
Comments | |
xonne ::: Favorites the girl who is ko 13, act by huang xiao rou. 07-08-30 04:37:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
marchhippo ::: Favorites hehehe fahrenheit!!! i laughed when he mentioned it... he even had that picture of them.,.. hehehehe... aww chun!!! hehe 07-08-30 00:17:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
everythingismagical ::: Favorites who is sha jie? 07-08-29 11:36:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
everythingismagical ::: Favorites "说什么啊?这一句你怎么不翻?" "她说要和你交配。。。" 倒霉了。 07-08-29 11:34:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
SugarCubesRock ::: Favorites lol!fei lun hai...500,000...fans...stabbing and killing!lol 07-08-25 00:10:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
starfans ::: Favorites about12:45 that part is so funny......xiao yu so cute....^^ 07-08-22 22:36:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
KaylieKat ::: Favorites I'm not a fan of WangYaSe's personality. Overall, this drama is entertaining~~~ 07-08-14 04:14:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
EmilyAiTa ::: Favorites AHAHAHAHA!!! Its so cute how DaDong and XiaoYu is like laughing at YaSe. :] 07-08-07 23:10:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
Gwen785 ::: Favorites very funny when Calvin scold the ape-like-human and her sister was confuse and Aaron was like so shocked.:D :D :D 07-08-02 05:08:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
myobsessionx3 ::: Favorites did he say u need some or you are that? 07-08-01 00:31:59 _____________________________________________________ |
More Random crap part 2
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Duration: 02:02 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-05 20:38:19 User: alandmanamielrick :::: Favorites |
Eh... Not as funny., but once again I was bored. ._. |
Comments | |
Marcman2020 ::: Favorites Shippo's screaming was funny 07-05-05 21:14:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
MonElisa ::: Favorites Nope, not as funny ¦ D 07-05-06 13:14:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
SuperYoungLegend ::: Favorites 3 stars this time. I guess Conquer of Shamballa has a hell of a lot more things than the preview intended to have. I meant the movie after FMA was done. I didn't see much of it "yet". 07-05-08 18:26:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
Avatarlovr101 ::: Favorites lol "you're the dough head!!" 07-05-17 23:33:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
edfangirl68 ::: Favorites shippo is cute 07-05-27 12:03:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
Kako12345678 ::: Favorites Doughhead!!! 07-06-08 20:36:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
JeMMR ::: Favorites You really like that clip of Ed falling, don't you? xD 07-06-13 14:31:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
XbloodshedtearsX ::: Favorites i enjoyed the hyper part of the fma movie part where they sing =D 07-06-25 17:49:40 _____________________________________________________ |
Maddogg's Guess The Intro Game: The 80's
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Duration: 07:52 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-29 12:08:22 User: maddoggmabey :::: Favorites |
Its a game of guess the intro! The theme for this one is the 80s. All answers are songs from the 80s. To enter, send me a message with numbers 1 - 15 and all the artists AND songs. The first person to get it right wins! Entries in comments will not count!! Good Luck!! |
Comments | |
moomay11649 ::: Favorites I don't know a single one of them. The 1960's now, I would know. #9 is Dancin' in The Streets ~ That's all I know ~ Moomay 07-08-29 12:19:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
mellowinPA ::: Favorites GREAT idea. It should be very interesting to see how many can come up with the right names for these songs. 07-08-29 12:24:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
1DRock37167 ::: Favorites Wow, you got some pretty obscure tunes here. I only recognized 6 of your tunes, but the last one made me a life long fan of "The Artist". 07-08-29 12:29:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
maddoggmabey ::: Favorites lol the last one is one of my favourite artists to! Well i wanted to stick some songs in that people would instantly recognise, and some that people would think "wow i havent heard that in a long time." If it looks like no-one will get it then i'll upload the answers anyway :p 07-08-29 12:41:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
maddoggmabey ::: Favorites Thanks! yeah i'm hoping some will sound familiar to people, and be scratchign their head trying to remember! :D 07-08-29 12:42:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
maddoggmabey ::: Favorites hehe, that one is kinda trick one, as i know several people who never knew it was covered! I was going to do 70s next, but as you say 60s moomay, i'll doa 60s one :D xx 07-08-29 12:43:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
robyoung1 ::: Favorites loving th new hair! =D omg i havnt mentioned ur voice!! - woops! :( ooooooooh this was hard... i was 4 at the END of the 80s...lol... i was wearing dungeries that my mum made we wear at this point... one last thing... ur voice voice voice voice! haha! nice vid. 07-08-29 15:14:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
schweah ::: Favorites Great idea, too bad I failed miserably! I need my Mr. Hooty fix, when is he coming back? 07-08-29 15:15:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
Zipster08 ::: Favorites WOW, veddy British hits there. I'm a music buff and I only knew 3 of them!!! 07-08-29 15:50:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
maddoggmabey ::: Favorites I was worried about choosing certain hits as i forget that everything that makes it here doesnt neccessarily make it over there (and vice versa). I'll be honest in saying i don't know the nationalities of all of them! Theres atleast 5 americans i think!! 07-08-29 19:21:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
maddoggmabey ::: Favorites your the only person to officially enter...you guessed 3...you got 3 right! So technically your winning!! Dogg xx 07-08-29 19:22:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
maddoggmabey ::: Favorites LOL. your older than me and i know them :P i really don't know what you like about my voice! i hate it :P My hair...i was growing it a bit, i'm not sure what i'm doing with it!! 07-08-29 19:24:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
Zipster08 ::: Favorites Still love you, baby!! 07-08-29 19:44:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
schweah ::: Favorites Excellent! Winning by default suits me fine, haha. 07-08-29 19:56:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
Walkstallindesert ::: Favorites Holy balls, bro... I know music but I don't know what any of those cuts were except maybe Raspberry Beret and that's obscure enough in itself... Geesh!!! 07-08-30 00:37:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
HuggableAngel ::: Favorites im still an 80s chick hehe 07-08-31 22:51:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
maddoggmabey ::: Favorites hehe, are you gonna try this one to? I know theres like answers up already.. :P there was a lot of british ones on here to. 07-08-31 22:58:49 _____________________________________________________ |