Sunday, February 24, 2008

Rodzi Się Ptak- Skaldowie cover

Duration: 02:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-14 06:20:51
User: JulkaRewizor

Ptak | Skaldowie | Agnieszka | Osiecka 


The cover is an idea by Paulina Kujawska. She sang it on "Songs of Agnieszka Osiecka" singing competition


freyaPL  2008-02-22 03:53:01

hej- obejrzałam Twój filmik do końca <- to jest komplement, ponieważ zwykle amatorskie śpiewanie wyłączam po paru sekundach :D głos masz fajny- gdyby tylko tak nad nim popracować to mogłoby być nieźle :) pozdrawiam!
JulkaRewizor  2007-12-13 17:42:54

spoko, nie wybieram się do idola. chcę sprawiać ludziom radość swoim śpiewem.
klaapton  2007-12-13 12:38:09

Oj, do Katowic to jej jeszcze brakuje,że hej!Jest ogromna różnica między poziomem uczestników Idola a studentów AM w Katowicach...słychać fałsze, niedociągnięcia i przede wszystkim to,że brakuje Ci powietrza w wielu miejscach.Ale podstawą jest słuch i muzykalność, resztę można wyćwiczyć z zapasem ogromnej cierpliwości.
KaktusProwokator  2007-12-11 16:12:22

startuj w idolu :D na bank zrobisz furorę a już na pewno składaj papiery na wydział jazzu :D
kubisix  2007-12-05 16:29:59

O Jezu ! ale fajne

Mayabazar - Vivaha Bhojanambu

Duration: 04:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-02 20:34:29
User: teluguvids

Telugu Classics


santoshpavan57  2008-02-23 09:10:59

aavakaaya samam paakam brahmaandea naasti kinchana maayabazar samo chitram nabhootho nabhavishyathi
ram70  2008-02-16 10:07:03

sorry-pressed the wrong button and the message was incomplete- Even more than 50 years after its release there are nearly 20,000 views to this and favourited by more than 100 times-do i need to say more????
ram70  2008-02-16 10:04:47

These days when u watch a movie you can hardly remember the songs-to mask the insipid lyrics,there are so many extras,heroes jumping,heroines exposing,foreign locales and the song is itself lost in such prosaic settings-this song is sung by one person,acted by a legend and is still gives goose bumps to those who hear it-Amazing-even in
nsajja  2008-01-19 20:21:13

It is amazing with how much ease he acts. No one can act better than SVR in this role.
rchandran1970  2007-12-18 01:55:39

will never be bored to watch this movie or songs from this movie n number of times

Alundra (PS1) Wendell's Dream (3)

Duration: 07:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-18 21:28:58
User: Artificialraven

alundra | psx | playstation | gameplay |


2nd Dungeon which contains the 1st Boss Battle. After recovering the Book of Elna from Tarn's Manor, Alundra brings it to Septimus. Septimus then explains how Alundra is from the Clan of Elna and is a Dreamwalker, who has the ability to enter one's dreams. Alundra, who now knows his true heritage, enters the dream of the sick old man, Wendall and discovers whats wrong with him.


skip2my  2008-01-07 11:02:40

looks the same to me
eduardocool  2007-12-18 22:23:38

This game looks better than I remember...


Duration: 02:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-22 19:03:44
User: hreaston

josh | music | jam |


friday social at Josh's. love it. red hot chili peppers- can't stop... if you cant tell :P



Xenosaga II (PS2) Ending - Part 2 of 2

Duration: 08:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-14 06:27:38
User: Artificialraven

xenosaga | ps2 | playstation | ending |


2nd part of the Xenosaga 2 ending on Playstation 2



Guitar Hero III: My Name Is Jonas Expert FC

Duration: 04:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-18 15:40:06
User: TheDevilWent2Georgia

GH3 | Guitar | Hero | III | Three: 


FC #18 - Might do this for my exam. :)



Final Fantasy IX (PS1) Ending - Part 1 of 4

Duration: 10:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-10 04:16:45
User: Artificialraven

final | fantasy | psx | playstation | ending 


1st part of a rather long Final Fantasy game ending.


Artificialraven  2008-02-10 19:42:06

Pengaell  2008-02-10 18:24:12

Aw man...I remember playing this when I first got my PS1 (yes, I was late to the generation...shaddup). This is the last truly good Final Fantasy. Thanks again AR.
Artificialraven  2008-02-10 04:49:15

Yeah it's like...near 35 minutes long lol. Part 3 is 5 minutes because part 4 is going to have the last CG scene and the credits, that alone is close to 10 minutes or so. anyways expect them all to be up within the next couple of hours.
lmphk  2008-02-10 04:42:31

The ending's really gonna be 4 parts? Are all of the parts 10~ minutes long? Whoa, that's a long ending.

Ben Kronberg on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Duration: 05:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-21 03:02:40
User: Redifer

ben | kronberg | jimmy | kimmel | comedy 


Some guy I know who calls himself Ben Kronberg decided to appear on ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live on Wednesday, 2-20-08. Here is the record of that broadcast.


ganapatithegreen  2008-02-22 17:51:35

are you from the future? what?
TitaniumProductionsX  2008-02-22 12:48:33

lol *hangs up*
bshigley  2008-02-22 12:44:14

way to go ben!!! that was such an awesome experience to be a part of! thank you! this is only the beginning...
versse  2008-02-21 20:23:29

BestVideosOnUTUBE  2008-02-21 17:35:09

"that was the ghost of pepperoni past!!" lol!

Earthbound (SNES) Interlude (17)

Duration: 04:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-17 05:12:55
User: Artificialraven

earthbound | snes | super | nintendo | gameplay 


Ness sits down in Saturn Valley and has a cup o' coffee.


LexingtonWells  2007-12-19 14:12:45

you sure that was coffee? lol must be strong

Alter Echo (PS2) Level 36 - Rescue: Sacrifice

Duration: 11:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-10 02:42:01
User: Artificialraven

alter | echo | ps2 | playstation | gameplay 


36th Stage and conclusion of the "Rescue" chapter. Also the 5th boss fight takes place here against Paavo and his clones.


mertgokberk  2008-01-01 12:00:47

i h8 this bit
tetsuo9999  2007-12-10 15:30:10

WE'RE GONNA MAKE HIM PAY The main character's voice is hilariously bad. Also, that was the least emotional death scene I've seen in a while. Still, this was one of the first decent PS2 action games, among Devil May Cry 1.