Monday, December 3, 2007

Basra four years on - 08 Oct 07

Duration: 02:03 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-08 12:21:44
User: AlJazeeraEnglish
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The Iraqi city of Basra, under the control of UK troops since the US-led invasion of the country in 2003, is now beset with infighting between Shia groups. As Gordon Brown announces a timeteable for UK troop cuts in Iraq, Al Jazeera's Seb Walker examines how things have changed in Basra in the last few years.


scorpiooooooh ::: Favorites  2007-10-08 14:49:54

It's funny how Iran keeps popping up as the common theme in all the middle east/central asia problems. They seem to have their hand in just about everything negative there. Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan, theres even links to North Korea. With all the people getting killed over there, It's not really funny at all come to think of it.
babe88blue ::: Favorites  2007-10-08 15:25:14

Thi islamist have become stronger thanks to this stupid invasion. More and more iraqis are seen the extremist as a way to fight back the americans. I do not believe that's what they really want. A islamist country is slowly but surely been built.
Kirbytime ::: Favorites  2007-10-08 16:37:33

so... British leave Basra... where's all the civil war? See the neocons keep lying...TRUTH is there are no WMD, there's not going to be a civil war when troops leave... it goes on and on.
Gihaal ::: Favorites  2007-10-08 19:18:57

"Thi islamist have become stronger thanks to this stupid invasion." Do I need to point out the stupidity of this comment? Seriously... wtf?
brick4sale ::: Favorites  2007-10-08 19:32:44

Oh theres gonna be a war, it's going to be a fight for power.
Stealth3 ::: Favorites  2007-10-08 20:24:15

Negative according to you? Who the fuck are you to decide whats negative and whats not? Obviously they are doing things in their interests, something which any country would do.... Or when the US does it, its positive, when somebody else does the same thing, its negative? Stop being stupid and hypocrite.
gohoda ::: Favorites  2007-10-08 20:26:25

you summed it up babe88blue
gohoda ::: Favorites  2007-10-08 20:28:28

agree with stealth.. and besides iran has intrests in ira cause its their neighbour and you even have fmilies living on both sides of the border for them both iraq and iran matters
gohoda ::: Favorites  2007-10-08 20:28:50

besiades iraq and iran have shia faith in commmon
scorpiooooooh ::: Favorites  2007-10-08 22:16:50

Stealth3.... One does not have to be a genius to see how Iran is interfering with peace in the region. Since you don't see that, you are obviously not even of moderate intelligence. Iran's interference is no secret. By the way do you kiss your mother with that foul mouth.
scorpiooooooh ::: Favorites  2007-10-08 22:21:26

gohoda ... This is true, there are many Shia in both Iraq and Iran. They are however very different, you see, Iran is mainly persian and Iraq is mainly Arab. So there you have it, another trivial excuse for the nutters over there to form more militias and death squads. They always find something to fight over, they are experts. War is in their culture, embedded over a millenia ago.
MustafaPresents ::: Favorites  2007-10-08 22:29:44

This religious iconography is idolatrous.
Stealth3 ::: Favorites  2007-10-09 01:36:11

Of course Iran is interfering, nobody says its not. Do you ever think that Iran is doing so in its interests? If Mexico would be invaded, the US would interfere. They are neighbors after all. Plus, Iran recognizes the occupation, so they are interfering. However, Iran is not interfering as much as the Bush administration woulkd want you to believe. Or else there would be more American caskets.
wittyvegan ::: Favorites  2007-10-09 02:28:22

Before the iraq war the Bush government tried to link Al Qaeda to iraq. Now they link Iran to all kind of "terrorist groups". (Granted: there are links to Hezbollah.) But I would be surprised if all accusation made by the Bush government would be true. Even if only half of it turned out to be correct.
scorpiooooooh ::: Favorites  2007-10-09 08:24:24

wittyvegan ... I agree with you on the weak link to Al Qaeda as an excuse to go to war but that link was not the sole reason. It was largely due to Sadam's refusal to adhere to UN mandates and refusal of inspections. Iran is playing games too, they have been for a very long time. I have nothing against the average Iranian, just their theocratic dictatorship based on a religion that wants to destroy western civilization.

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