Thursday, August 30, 2007

Re: What are you reading NOW?

Duration: 04:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-24 15:00:07
User: shrinerspark
:::: Favorites

These are the books I'm currently reading.

DXborderline ::: Favorites
they sound like good books, I'll have to look into them. Take care!
07-06-24 15:26:17
shrinerspark ::: Favorites
Do! I think you would particularly emphasize with "The Bell Jar"... there are parts where she self-injures, I think, and she ends up under psychiatric care, in hospital, etc.
07-06-24 15:32:44
savrasbane ::: Favorites
Okay, you like Star Trek, you are officially one of my favorite people... Read a bit of Sylvia Plath when I was in High School, good stuff, gotta pick that up sometime.
07-06-24 17:44:12
shrinerspark ::: Favorites
I'm a total Trekkie... I have to admit it. My favorite series are TNG and Voyager; I like DS9, too, but I haven't watched enough of it to know a whole lot about the storyline.
07-06-24 18:06:49
johnnysmooth ::: Favorites
I want to read about a fat kid. oh, and I think it's pretty cool to be reading a Star Trek book. I mean, I'm reading about a dark elf.
07-06-25 00:05:39
insidethemusicbox11 ::: Favorites
i still haven't read the bell jar... i think i should though... i love plath's poetry
07-06-25 01:26:41
KungFu17 ::: Favorites
whoa i so stayed up last night and read the entire Plath book and now i see this...i identify with it b/c of the honors program and wasted summer and the high achievement and scholarships leading to nothing and ...oh well. 2nd time reading it, thought i never wanted to again. I LOSE! i'm reading anne sexton's complete poems now, sort of. i hate books: 'evil things that hurt people.'
07-06-25 02:11:01
smyelin ::: Favorites
Bell Jar looks like it would be worth a look, thanks for posting. p.s. Trek rules, there's nothing to be embarrassed about there.
07-06-25 04:34:15
sondraxcore ::: Favorites
haha we like to read the same kind of books. you should read some sarah dessen books. they are all good. i love the bell jar, i read it a few weeks ago. you should read white oldeander too, if you havent... oh i love books..
07-06-25 05:08:03
nonamavi ::: Favorites
If you like Sylvia Plath I recommend _Wintering_, by Kate Moses.
07-06-25 10:10:20
shrinerspark ::: Favorites
That's true... I figured you'd understand. Hehe. :)
07-06-25 14:09:19
shrinerspark ::: Favorites
If you love Plath's poetry, you DEFINITELY have to check out her book! ^_^
07-06-25 14:09:34
shrinerspark ::: Favorites
Books are not evil things that hurt people! -.-. Actually, books are often the only things that have saved me, or comforted me when I felt like shit. I've always meant to read Anne Sexton and never really have. Snippets here and there, but nothing drawn out.
07-06-25 14:10:44
KungFu17 ::: Favorites
i was half-kidding about the evil stuff...i was just thinking about truffaut's movie of fahrenheit 451, which is better than the original book in my opinion and i like to (pretend to?) be for censorship...because i have nothing else to do with myself and own more books than i could ever read at this point. haha and i am just jealous...i want to be a novelist.
07-06-25 15:53:55
lovelyllu ::: Favorites
Hmm I'm going to have to read that Plath book. I think you would like Skinny by Ibi Kaslik and Catalyst by Laurie Halse Anderson
07-06-25 22:28:03

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