Thursday, August 30, 2007

Faux News

Duration: 00:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-15 12:59:33
User: richrobotthoughts
:::: Favorites

I was watching a little Simpsons and saw this preview of what a Fox News hosted democratic debate would probably be like... Flame me at

demboy080 ::: Favorites
Look at the text below 92% of Democrats are Gay! Hilarious.
07-08-29 01:48:24
tescr ::: Favorites
Any ideas to prevent the Electronic Machines from making the Election a SELECTION? What's happening to your votes - youtube . com/watch?v=GzPXer7946E
07-08-28 20:17:52
givebeesachance ::: Favorites
We could burn something, maybe with fire?
07-08-28 04:55:55
xmethodactingx ::: Favorites
When was this? Of course FOX wouldn't do something like that to Cheney ;) Do me a favor- go to foxattacks (dot)com (slash)facts and tell me there's nothing wrong with FOX.
07-08-19 04:00:56
tescr ::: Favorites
After the Diebold debacle at Iowa straw poll, what are some of the meausures we can take to prevent vote fraud? I am thinking: Inform people, raise awareness Write to media, radio shows Write to congressmen, senators, local politicians What about legal actions? Any ideas to prevent the Electronic Machines from making the Election a SELECTION? What's happening to your votes - youtube . com/watch?v=GzPXer7946E
07-08-15 13:16:11
BatzarroX ::: Favorites
Matts a demnocrat you dimwitted republicunt Open your eyes or just keep feeding on the lies fox news tell you over 45 pathetic fag.
07-08-15 07:44:27
BatzarroX ::: Favorites
Queer republican
07-08-15 07:39:31
BatzarroX ::: Favorites
Left-wing wackos? Republicans need to hung,Small dicked closeted kkksupporting queers.
07-08-15 07:38:00
cookimonstizzle ::: Favorites
and you're about as dumb as ann coulter
07-08-08 23:00:45
faizhussain ::: Favorites
it happens only on fox news
07-08-06 06:35:09

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