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Duration: 07:06 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-07 04:04:11 User: jezuzfreek777 :::: Favorites |
This guy is sad Honors for This Video: #76 - Top Rated (Today) - People & Blogs #90 - Most Discussed (Today) #38 - Most Discussed (Today) - People & Blogs |
Comments | |
Deke101 ::: Favorites Talk about irrelevant tangents! I think SOMEONE needs their own chatroom... 07-08-23 11:29:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
view1st ::: Favorites What about a 'Pedo-Hunt'? 07-08-23 09:12:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
Deke101 ::: Favorites Hmm... (wheels turning) 07-08-23 11:24:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
view1st ::: Favorites Yea, that's why you need to be handled carefully, if one is not to get pricked! LOL ;-) 07-08-23 09:10:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
vanity900 ::: Favorites he covered the emo part. jesus you twist everything and never listin,=, 07-08-22 20:40:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
view1st ::: Favorites What is this 'moral superiority' of which you talk? "Like I said before, I think its possible to be somewhat objective using reason and some basic assumptions about the way human beings like to be treated." I agree; not being bombed or starved by western-backed sanctions is something with which a lot of people could agree. 07-08-20 13:07:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
view1st ::: Favorites Are not non-western peoples human too and therefore have all the moral and intellectual faculties common ti the whole human race, or do you think that moral reason or logic is the preserve of only westerners? 07-08-20 13:11:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
cantaloupe42 ::: Favorites I don't know how much more I can reply to you man, I'm getting pretty fucking tired of have you twist words like that. What the fuck did I write that gave you the impression that I might think that 'non-western peoples' are not human? 07-08-20 13:42:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
view1st ::: Favorites Chill out and calm down, cantaloupe42 - no offence ever (really) intended. I might have been commenting on someone elses post and posted to you by mistake. 07-08-23 08:48:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
view1st ::: Favorites That said, people who talk about 'humanitarian intervention' really do irritate the hell out of me. [I'm not necessarily referring to you, by the way. :-}] But the people in question - just my own opinion here - they seem to think that other people living in other countries are thick or something and can't sort out their own problems in their own way. 07-08-23 08:53:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
view1st ::: Favorites As for Rwanda, let's say for the sake of argument that they had nuclear weapons. Would you have wanted to intervene then? Apropos, it was western - namely French I do believe - intervention that could be said to have led to the genocide in the first place. 07-08-20 13:15:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
cantaloupe42 ::: Favorites Nice dodge. What I'm asking is if you think it's ever appropriate to intervene since you seem to think everytime 'the west' (as if its some monolithic entity) has done so, it has been horribly wrong and unjustified. I was asking if you thought it was ok to step in when horrible human rights abuses being committed. You then proceded to change the subject to nukes and France for some reason. btw is the UN part of the 'west'? 07-08-20 13:42:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
view1st ::: Favorites No. Unless one country actually invades another and all possible means of diplomacy have been exhausted they I wouldn't consider it. 07-08-23 08:46:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
view1st ::: Favorites Ah, so it's only weak and essentially defenceless countries your talking about here; not ones that can actually fight back - like Russia, China, or a nuclear-armed NAZI Germany, for instance? 07-08-23 08:56:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
view1st ::: Favorites And I mentioned France in respect of the Rwandan genocide because it was that self-same country which occupied and colonised Rwanda in the first place, setting the various tribes of the region - Hutu and Tutsi amongst them - against each other. I am also given to understand (and you might have to correct me here because i'm not exactly sure) but it was France (or maybe America) that actually VETOED a UN resolution that might have prevented or mitigated the genocide. 07-08-23 09:03:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
cantaloupe42 ::: Favorites Again I ask, does the evil 'west' you keep referring to also consist of the UN? I'm asking because some of the things you're referring to have been also sanctioned by the UN. Do you consider this an objective body that can make judgements on who is in violation of international standards or is the UN just another tool of the evil west to justify their imperial and colonial policies? 07-08-20 13:49:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
view1st ::: Favorites No, not necessarily. I'm sure the UN does a lot of good work. But when the UN works, as it has done most recently in Iraq (ex post facto legitimation of occupation, 12 years of inhumane sanctions, no fly zones, the de facto independance/partition of Kurdistan), 07-08-23 08:32:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
view1st ::: Favorites Yugoslavia (the interference in and ultimate break-up of the country and the sham trial of Slobadon Milosovic), Lebanon (the politically motivated interference in Lebanon), etc. as a tool of western (neo) imperialists then, yes, I think it is, at least in part, culpable. 07-08-23 08:33:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
view1st ::: Favorites When the UN acts according to it's actual Charter and founding principles it is usually ignored or attacked; when it carries out the policies of the EU/America it's praised to high heaven. So, in response to your answer, my answer would have to be a qualified NO - the UN is not, per se, bad. It's policies when they serve the intersts of just a few are. 07-08-23 08:33:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
cantaloupe42 ::: Favorites lol Um yeah that's a pretty damned warped view of it. Do you think its ever reasonable to depose the regime of a sovereign country? I mean, what about say, the Rwandan genocide? Would that have been just 'western arrogance' to intervene? Shouldn't we let the Rwandans sort it out for themselves? I mean who are we to question them? Who are we to say genocide is wrong? You see where your extreme cultural relativism will get you? 07-08-20 12:56:33 _____________________________________________________ |
Friday, August 24, 2007
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