Saturday, April 5, 2008

Far Away: kurofai sakura+syaoran

Duration: 04:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-07 16:13:05

Just far away by nickelback.IF YOU LOOK CLOSELY YOU'LL SEE A DEFINITE PATTERN IN THE WAY THIS VIDEO HAS BEEN MADE. YES i made a xxxking typing error in the beginning but i'm not reproducing the video because of THAT.


ReiKuroi  2007-08-30 10:49:31

ReiKuroi  2007-06-26 10:43:07

glad i could help! XD
DayDreamer6417  2007-06-26 09:49:40

That's so cute! I love it! You made a fangirl happy again!--> ^.^ I love the vid very much.
ReiKuroi  2007-06-13 08:52:03

no...they remove episodes, not amvs, as far as i know. thanks anyway!
glass5  2007-06-12 15:35:45

Stop youtube!!! For your information, youtube is getting rid off all anime videos. Every night at 10:00 p.m. they have a maintenance that deletes any videos that are anime. To stop youtube from doing this, you need to get enough people to protest. To do this, please help by copying and pasting this message to all of the anime videos from being deleted. Great video as well!

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